Расписание войск Союзников на сентябрь – октябрь 1942 года, в МФГ. (черновик)

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Расписание войск Союзников на сентябрь – октябрь 1942 года, в МФГ. (черновик)

Положение и дела с войсками Союзников (Британия, США и Ко , без СССР  и Китая ) Сложнее всего было разбирать британцев с их дивизиями напоминаюшими разборный конструктор которий можно собирать из любих бригад а тех в свою очередь из любих батальонов. Которих они часто ещо переводили из одной дивизии в другую или использовали самостоятельно. Будут запольнятся по мере готовности. К сожелению без подробной оценки возможностей сторон продолжать нельзя. Вернее авторам неинтересно мудрить что то поверхностного, без этого самого разбора возможностей сторон на 1942 год. Но это занимают время. К счастю у нас уже накопленно много материала на тему. Потому чтобы людям было интересно буду ещо больше публиковать черновиков которие будут дополньятся и правится по ходу дела.                               Наверно не все будут переводится из за ИМХО ненадобности. 


Обшая характеристика.

Британия в АИ на 1942 год пережила разгром сопоставимий с РИ немецкой катастрофой под Сталинградом. К РИ катастрофам Сингапура и Тобрука в Алтернативе добавились потери Кипра, Мальты, Египта, Палестины, Трансйордании, Ирака, Гамбии. Последовал страшный внутриполитический кризис и Черчиль усидел лиш благодаря поддержки США. Он прекрасно понимают что ещо одну такую катастрофу непереживут политически (и возможно даже физически) и потому хочет добытся перелома любой ценой. Тем боле что боевой дух собственно английской армии все ещо высок, однако поражения сильно подкосили австралийцев, южноафриканцев, новозеландцев и особенно индийцев. Индийская составляющая армии все больше заражается пацифизмом и обрабативаютса немецкой пропогандой. Ситуация в  самой Индии нестабильна https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quit_India_Movement. Надо отметить что английская армия отмобилизованна по максимуму и РИ уже на 1942 год  чувствуются дефицит пехотинцев что приводят к сокращению количества пехотных бригад и невостановлению ряда уничтоженых дивизий. В РИ к 1944 году дефицит пехоты стал настолько острим что начили «канибализацию» неактивных дивизий, масовий перевод в пехоту солдат береговой и зенитной артилерии итд. То есть Англия не в состояние отмобилизировать много нових дивизий. Но кое что англичане могут – 1942 году (РИ в 1943 году) приньят закон снижаюший призивной возраст с 20 до 18 лет, к тому же РИ с 1940 го года в домашных полках британской армии уже созданны «батальоны юнных солдат» из 18-19 летних добровольцев. Также в АИ созданн аналог немецких «добровольных помошников» и 16-17 летних подростков набирают в зенитную и береговую артилерию чтобы заменить ими у пушек и прожекторов взрослых. Таким  образом будут делать то что РИ сделали в 1944-45 годах – создавать нових  пехотных бригад из бывших артилеристов и прожектористов.  Понятно что «призив детей» на фоне военных неудач не приумножают попульярность правительства. В Англии растет влияние условной «партии мира» (хоть герцога Кентского как и РИ уронили самолетом https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_George,_Duke_of_Kent и в АИ ещо и убили Гесса) особую роль в опозиции Черчилю начинают играть нефтяники https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BP https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_Petroleum_Company особенно Anglo-Iranian Oil Company https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Persian_Oil_Company. Появление немецких войск на границах Ирана создало острий топливный кризис для британских войск. РИ англичане считали что в случие потери иранских промислов и крупнейшего в мире НПЗ в Абадане им придется для продолжение операций в районе Индийского океана построить 300 нових танкеров чтобы обеспечить ТВД топливом из США и Венецуэлы. В АИ летом 1942 года эти 300 танкеров заказаны британской и американской судостроительной промишлености (и это убивают программу строительства десантных судов для «днья Д» и эскортных авианосцев тем боле что из за больших потерь линейных кораблей англичане вынуждены продолжить строительство линкоров типа «Лайон»). В такой ситуации запланированное на ноябрь – декабрь 1942 года контрнаступление в Ираке это «Курская дуга» Британии. В случие его неудачи становятся вполне возможными победа «партии мира», отстранение Черчилья от власти Королем и попитка выхода Англии из войны (аналог РИ Италия 1943 года).


Армия США находятся в состояние развертивания из «почти нечего» в огромную махину. У американцев черезвичайно хороший человеческий материал (по большому счету те же немцы и англичане, с шотландцами и прочими скандинавами) и много технических средств но просто катастрофически нехватают боевого опита и особенно опитных офицеров. Настрой у американцев очень боевой но с нюансом. Расисткое американское обшество очень хочет наказать Японию («желтых обезян») за «вероломное нападение на белых людей» но вот война против Германии и Италии столь большой попульярностю не пользуются. Военный союз с СССР вызивают сомнения у значительнеой части обшества и истеблишмента. Идея воевать против Франции непопульярно откровенно. Если Рузвельт стремится проводить военную политику «сначало Германия» то обшество хотело бы политику «сначало Япония». Как и всякая демократическая страна США черезвичайно чувствительны к потерям людей (избирателей) и крупная военная неудача могут вызвать внутриполитический кризис, вплоть до импичмента. Так что Рузвельт тоже очень хочет победу но конечно не такой ценой какую за побед платил СССР. Надо отметить что сам Рузвельт по сути своей это «американский Муссолини» но при этом не только «Муссолини на колесах» но ещо и «Муссолини которому не дали реализовать его диктаторские амбиции полностю» в американском случие – сильная система институтов – Верховный Суд, Конгрес, Сенат. Этакой амбициозный недодиктатор, с завистю смотревший на Дуче и Сталина, и окруженный агентами последнего. При этом Рузвельт конечно не «агент Сталина» и надо отметить что даже он отказался признавать «законность» например окупации и анексии государств Прибалтики. Но Рузвельт конечно хочет воевать против Германии до победного, попутно насилуя Британию (один грабительский договор - эсминцы в обмен на базы чего стоит) и чтобы последньая не соскочила с его кольяски в АИ он точно отдал тайный приказ что армия и флот США при надобности должны силой удерживать Британию в войне (аналог РИ немецкой операции против Италии в 1943 году), а в случие неудачи этого окупировать  Канаду и другие британские владения в западном полушарие, а также недопустить чтобы Королевский флот попал в руки немцев (агналог «Катапульты»).    

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Специфика канадцев в том что они (кроме потери двух батальонов в Гонконге) ещо «небитие». Доброволльческие канадские дивизи прекрасно подготовлены и мотивированны и просто отлично себя проявили на войне но народ целом против призива и воевать не хочет в основном. Так что будут проблеми с пополнениями. Премьер-министр Канады Уильям Лайон Маккензи Кинг был противником активного участие Канады в войне. В июне 1940 года правительство утвердило призыв на домашнюю службу в Законе о мобилизации национальных ресурсов 1940 года (NRMA), который позволил правительству регистрировать мужчин и женщин и переводить их на рабочие места, которые считались необходимыми для производства во время войны. Закон также разрешал призыв на военную службу для защиты Канады, но не разрешал призывников использовать за границей. Этих домашних солдат, насмешливо называли «зомби» как в Канаде, так и за рубежом. «Зомби» были названы так потому, что они были солдатами, которые не могли сражаться на войне, что делало их похожими на ожившие трупы из гаитянской мифологии, которые не были ни живыми, ни мертвыми, а скорее чем-то средним. Из этих призивников значительная часть вобше нехотела воевать причем  наиболе низкой мотивацией отличались франкоканадцы. В АИ к их РИ недовольство подогреваются  войной между Англией и Францией. К 1941 году добровольцев хватило на лиш  пять заморских дивизий. Но даже их Кинг запретил использовать на Ближнем Востоке и велел держать для обороны РИ Англии  а в АИ Португалии.

Успехи японцев на Азиатско-Тихоокеанском театре военных действий привели в начале 1942 года к повсеместным опасениям, что вскоре японцы высадятся в Британской Колумбии . В ответ на расистскую истерию о том, что японцы-канадцы являются «пятой колонной», лояльной Японии, которая вскоре будет вести террористическую кампанию против белых, правительство короля интернировало всех японцев-канадцев.

Те же страхи перед японским вторжением заставили Кинга создать две дивизии, 6-ю и 8-ю, в основном состоящие из зомби, которые были размещены для охраны тихоокеанского побережья, в то время как еще одна дивизия зомби, 7-я, была создана для защиты Атлантического побережья от Немецкое вторжение, просто чтобы показать, что правительство не безразлично к Приморским провинциям.

27 апреля 1942 г. был проведен плебисцит по вопросу: «Вы за освобождение правительства от каких-либо обязательств, вытекающих из каких-либо прошлых обязательств, ограничивающих методы набора людей для военной службы?» В Квебеке была основана Ligue pour la Défense du Canada для кампании «Нет».  Ligue pour la Défense du Canada объединила весь спектр политических взглядов в Квебеке, и одними из самых эффективных ее спикеров были Андре Лорендо, Анри Бурасса, Жан Драпо и молодой Пьер Трюдо.  Ораторы Лиги часто выражали одобрение вишистской Франции, ссылаясь на Révolution nationale как на модель для Квебека и выражали «тревожные антисемитские тенденции». Один митинг в поддержку Лиги в Монреале закончился тем, что выступающие обвинили еврейскую общину Канады в том, что она втянула Канаду в войну с нацистской Германией, которая не волновала франко-канадцев, которая почти переросла в погром с участниками, избивающими евреев на улицах Монреаля. Только быстрое вмешательство полиции Монреаля положило конец насилию.

Плебисцит был поддержан большинством английских канадцев, а также запрещенной Коммунистической партией Канады. По всей Канаде 64,5% избирателей высказались за призыв на военную службу, при этом канадцы-англичане проголосовали за призыв 83%. Предложение почти не получило поддержки со стороны французских канадцев, особенно в Квебеке, где группы противников призыва (в том числе группа во главе с Анри Бурассой, самым ярым противником призыва в 1917 г.) убедили 72,9% избирателей выступить против плебисцита.

Помимо Квебека, шесть в основном франко-канадских округа в Нью-Брансуике и Онтарио также проголосовали «против», как и несколько немецко- и украиноязычных округов, таких как Вегревиль, Альберта, и Ростерн, Саскачеван. Кинг, который ожидал, что все девять провинций проголосуют «за», был шокирован тем, что Квебек проголосовал «против», и объяснил, что отныне его политика теперь сводится к следующему: «Не обязательно призыв, но при необходимости - призыв» . Затем правительство приняло Закон № 80, отменяющий разделы NRMA, запрещающие призыв на военную службу за рубежом. Законопроект 80 был принят Палатой общин 158 голосами против 58. Однако многие канадцы все еще не поддерживали немедленный призыв в армию; В Монреале произошло несколько беспорядков, хотя они не были такого масштаба, как беспорядки 1917 и 1918 годов.

После плебисцита министр общественных работ Пьер Жозеф Артур Карден покинул кабинет короля в знак протеста против возможности того, что «зомби» могут быть отправлены за границу. Ряд других депутатов-либералов Квебека также покинули партию в 1942 году из-за вопроса о призыве в армию, многие из которых присоединились к Block populaire canadien, когда он был сформирован осенью 1942 года для проведения кампании против правительства. Министр обороны, полковник Джеймс Ральстон ушел в отставку в знак протеста против нежелания Кинга отправить зомби за границу, но Кинг отказался принять его отставку.

Бригадный генерал Маклин, офицер, чья задача заключалась в том, чтобы «превратить» зомби в «активных солдат», написал в мае 1944 г., что он потерпел почти полную неудачу, убеждая  французских канадцев «действовать», добавив: «Подавляющее большинство [солдат NRMA и  других подразделений] небританского происхождения - преобладают немецкие, итальянские и славянские национальности. Более того, большинство из них происходят из фермерских хозяйств. Они имеют крайне низкое образование, почти ничего не знают о канадской или британской истории и фактически являются типичными европейскими крестьянами.

Да РИ ещо в 1944 году Кинг записал в своем дневнике, что отправка любых призывников за границу будет «преступлением», которое вызовет гражданскую войну в Канаде и приведет к вмешательству США в аннексию Канады.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscription_Crisis_of_1944   Рекомендую прочесть эту очень длинную статю полностю ибо это ЖЕСТЬ!!! Вобшем боле чем милионная канадская арнмия (на 11 милионов населепния) по большей части небоеспособно. Потому не удивительно что РИ канадцы уже в 1943 году начали её по немногу демобилизовать – всеравно воевать не хочет.

Кроме регульярных войск были многочисленные «резервные» части солдаты которих вели гражданскую жизнь и на учения собырались по вечерам и в выходные дни.

Вобшем если разбить экспедиционную 1-ю канадскую армию (5 дивизий + отдельные части) то с этим активное участие канадцев в войне закончится.

Кроме того внутрений бардак в Канаде создают идеальную обстановку чтобы разведка Франции превратила Квебек в свою базу для шпионских и даже диверсионных операций не только против Англии но и против США.  


Домашные войска.


Veterans Guard of Canada [As with the Home Guard, the Veterans Guard of Canada was initially formed in the early days of the Second World War as a defence force in case of an attack on Canadian soil. Composed largely of First World War veterans it included, at its peak, 37 Active and Reserve companies with 451 officers and 9,806 other ranks. Over 17,000 veterans served in the force over the course of the war. Active companies served full-time in Canada as well as overseas, including a General Duty Company attached to Canadian Military Headquarters in London, England, No. 33 Coy. in the Bahamas, No. 34 Coy. in British Guiana and Newfoundland, and a smaller group dispatched to India.]


2nd Canadian Parachute Battalion - Raised 16 July 1942.  Retitled 1st Canadian Special Service Battalion on 25 May 1943. Потом  First Special Service Force  (Lieutenant Colonel Robert T. Frederick) (trained at Fort William Henry Harrison near Helena, Montana in the United States). (3 «полка» (600 человек) по два «батальона» по три «роты» (100 человек) + батальон обеспечения - всего 2200  человек – позже сокращено до 1400 человек – канадцев и американцев) +
The 456th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion,


Military District 1: HQ London, Ontario

A. регульярные войска.

- No. 1 District Signals: London

B. резервисты.

- 21st (Reserve) Field Regiment (97th Reserve (Bruce) Field Battery, 100th (Reserve) Field Battery) : Listowel

- 7 th (Reserve) Field Brigade converted and redesignated as 7th (Reserve) Field Regiment,

15 March 1943. : London   (26th (Lambton) Field Battery,: Sarnia,

- 11th (Reserve) Field Brigade converted and redesignated as 11th (Reserve) Field

Regiment, 15 December 1942. (29th (Reserve) Field Battery, 43rd (Reserve) Field Battery,) : Guelph

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Oxford Rifles: Woodstock

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Scots Fusiliers of Canada: Kitchner

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Kent Regiment: Chatham

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Perth Regiment (Motor): Stratford

- University of Western Ontario Contingent, Canadian 0fficers Training Corps: London

- Ontario Agricultural College Contingent, COTC: London

- 31st (Reserve) Brigade Group (Headquarters: London, ON)

-- E and J sections, No.1 (Reserve) District Signals, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

-- 30th (Reserve) Reconnaissance Regiment (Essex Regiment (Tank))

-- 31st (Reserve) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery (12th/155th and 16th (Reserve) Field Batteries, replaced by 97th Reserve (Bruce) Field Battery, 1 April, 1943.

26th/48th (Reserve) Field Battery removed from Group and replaced by 29th (Reserve)

Field Battery, 15 May, 1943.)

-- 7th/11th (Reserve) Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers

-- Canadian Infantry Corps

--- 1st (Reserve) Battalion, The Middlesex and Huron Regiment

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, Canadian Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) MG

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Essex Scottish Regiment

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Scots Fusiliers of Canada


Military District 2: HQ Toronto, Ontario

A. регульярные войска.

- No. 2 Detachment, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals: Toronto

- The Canadian Armoured Fighting Vehicle Training Centre: Camp Borden
- 1st Battalion,The Queen's York Rangers (1st American Regiment) : Toronto

- 1st Battalion, The Scots Fusiliers of Canada

B. резервисты.

- 2nd (Reserve) Regiment, The Governor General's Horse Guards; Toronto

- 3rd (Reserve) Armoured Regiment (The Governor General's Horse Guards); Toronto

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Dufferin and Haldimand Rifles of Canada: Brantford

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise's) : Hamilton

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Sault Ste. Marie and Sudbury Regiment: Sault Ste. Marie.

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry (Wentworth Regiment): Hamilton

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Grey and Simcoe Foresters: Owen Sound

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada: Toronto

- 69th (Reserve) Field Battery : Brantford

- 7th Reserve (Toronto) Group, RCA  (30th (Reserve) Field Battery converted and redesignated as 30th (Reserve) Anti-Aircraft Battery, type 2H, 15 May 1943. 53rd (Reserve) Field Batter converted and redesignated as 53rd (Reserve) Anti-Aircraft Battery, type 2H, 15 May 1943. 207th (Reserve)

Field Battery - converted and redesignated as 25th (Reserve) Anti-Aircraft Battery, Type 2L, 1 July

1943. ): Toronto         

- 8th (Reserve) Field Regiment, (11th Reserve (Hamilton) and 102nd Reserve (Wentworth)

Field Batteries - 102nd Reserve (Wentworth) Field Battery converted and redesignated as 102nd Reserve (Wentworth) Anti-Aircraft Battery (Type 2L), 15 May 1943) : Hamilton

- 25th Reserve (Norfolk) Field Regiment, RCA (33rd/42nd (Reserve) Field Battery: One

troop transferred to Sarnia, the other to Port Rowan, 41st/46th (Reserve) Field Battery,): Simcoe  

- 40th (Reserve) Field Battery: Hamilton

- 54th (Reserve) Field Battery: Hamilton

- University of Toronto Contingent, COTC: Toronto

- 32nd (Reserve) Brigade Group (Toronto, ON)

-- E Section, A (Reserve) Corps Signals, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

-- J Section, 2nd (Reserve) Divisional Signals, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

-- 11th (Reserve) Armoured Regiment (Ontario Regiment)

-- 32nd (Reserve) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery (9th/15th (Reserve) Field

Battery , 21st/23rd and 208th (Reserve) Field Batteries)

-- 2nd (Reserve) Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers

-- Canadian Infantry Corps

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Canada

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, 48th Highlanders of Canada

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Irish Regiment of Canada

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Toronto Scottish Regiment (MG)


Military District 3: HQ Kingston, Ontario

A. регульярные войска.

- The Canadian Signal Training Centre: Barriefield

B. резервисты.

- 47th Reserve (Napanee) Field Battery

- 45th/56th (Reserve) Field Battery: Lindsay

- 56th (Reserve) (Grenville) Field Battery: Lindsay

- 25th (Reserve) Field Battery: Ottawa

- 1st/3rd (Reserve) Medium Field Battery converted and redesignated as 12th (Reserve)

Anti-Aircraft Battery, type 2H, 15 May 1943. : Kingston

- 43rd (Reserve) Field Regiment (22nd (Reserve) (Cobourg) Medium Battery): Cobourg

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Lanark and Renfrew Scottish Regiment: Perth

- The (Reserve) Argyll Light Infantry (Tank) : Belleville

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment: Trenton

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Brockville Rifles : Brockville

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders: Cornwall   

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Midland Regiment (Northumberland and Durham) : Cobourg

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Prince of Wales's Rangers (Peterborough Regiment): Peterborough

- Queen's University Contingent, COTC: Kingston

- 33rd (Reserve) Brigade Group (Ottawa, ON Kingston, ON after 1 Oct 1943)

-- E and J Sections, 2nd (Reserve) Divisional Signals, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

-- 4th (Reserve) Reconnaissance Regiment (4th Princess Louise Dragoon Guards)

-- 21st (Reserve) Armoured Regiment (Govenor General's Foot Guards)

-- 33rd (Reserve) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery (1st, 2nd (Ottawa) (Reserve) Field Batteries and 51st (Reserve) Anti-Aircraft Battery)

-  3rd/32nd (Reserve) Field Battery converted and redesignated as 32nd (Reserve) AntiAircraft Battery, type 2H, 15 May 1943.

-- 3rd (Reserve) Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers

-- Canadian Infantry Corps

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Princess of Wales' Own Regiment (MG)

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, Le Régiment de Hull


Military District 4: HQ Montreal, Province de Quebec

A. регульярные войска.

-  No. 4 Detachment, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals: Montreal
- 1st Battalion, Princess of Wales' Own Regiment  (Machine Gun),

- 1st Battalion, The Sherbrooke Regiment: Sherbrooke

B. резервисты.

- 79th (Reserve) Field Battery converted and redesignated as 79th (Reserve) Anti-Aircraft

Battery, type 2H, 15 May 1943.

- 24th Reserve (Shefford) Field Battery converted and redesignated as 24th Reserve

(Shefford) Anti-Aircraft Battery, type 2L, 15 May 1943.: Granby

- 35th (Reserve) Field Battery (How.) converted and redesignated as 35th (Reserve) AntiAircraft Battery, type 2L, 15 May 1943.: Sherbrooke

- 81st (Reserve) Field Battery: Shawinigan Falls

- 2nd (Reserve) Field Brigade redesignated as 2nd (Reserve) Field Regiment, 15 December

1943.() : Montreal

- 2nd (Reserve) Medium Brigade converted and redesignated as 2nd (Reserve) Medium

Regiment, 1 December 1942 (1st/3rd (Reserve) Medium Battery converted and redesignated as 12th (Reserve) AntiAircraft Battery, type 2H, 15 May 1943., 7th/10th (Reserve) Medium Battery): Montreal

- 27th Field Brigade, RCA (Redesignated as 27th (Reserve) Field regiment, 1 March 1943.) (74th (Reserve) Field Battery, 75th (Reserve) Field Battery): Coaticook

- 15th (Reserve) Armoured Regiment (6th Duke of Connaught's Royal Canadian Hussars). : Montreal

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Canadian Grenadier Guards: Montreal

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, Le Régiment de Joliette'

- 12th (Reserve) Army Tank Regiment (The Three Rivers Regiment (Tank)) (Three Rivers)

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, Victoria Rifles of Canada, : Montreal

- 4rd (Reserve) Battalion, The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment of Canada) : Montreal

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, Le Régiment de Châteauguay (Mitrailleuses): St Lambert

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, Le Régt de St. Hyacinthe: St. Hyacinthe

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Sherbrooke Regiment': Sherbrooke

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, Les Fusiliers de Sherbrooke: Sherbrooke

- McGill University Contingent, COTC: Montreal

- Loyola College Contingent, COTC: Montreal

- University of Bishop's College Contingent, COTC: Lennoxville

- Universite de Montreal Contingent, COTC: Montreal

- 34th (Reserve) Brigade Group (Montreal, PQ)

-- E Section, B (Reserve) Corps Signals, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

-- J Section, 4th (Reserve) Divisional Signals, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

-- 7th (Reserve) Reconnaissance Regiment (17th Duke of York's Royal Canadian Hussars)

-- 32nd (Reserve) Reconnaissance Regiment (The Royal Montreal Regiment)

-- 34th (Reserve) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery (5th, 7th and 27th (Reserve)

Field Batteries)

-- 16th (Reserve) Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers

-- Canadian Infantry Corps

--- 3rd (Reserve) Battalion, The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment of Canada)

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, Le Régiment de Maisonneuve


Military District 5: HQ Quebec, Province de Quebec

A. регульярные войска.

- No.5 District Signals: Quebec

- Le Regiment de Saquenay: (Chicoutimi)

- 21st Canadian Infantry Brigade Group (Le Regiment de Levis, 3rd Battalion Le Regiment de Maisonneuve, 3rd Battalion Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal, No. 21 Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots) 27th Field Regiment, RCA (120th, 121st, 122nd Field Batteries)) (8-я канадская пехотная дивизия) (Valcartier, PQ)

- 24th Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RCA (17th, 41st, 12th, 3rd AA Batteries) - Mobilized 1 June 1942 at Arvida, PQ

B. резервисты.

- 6th (Quebec and Levis) Medium Brigade, RCA (57th (Reserve) Medium Battery (How.), 58th (Reserve) Heavy Battery, 59th (Reserve), Heavy Battery, 3rd (Reserve) Anti-Aircraft Battery): Levis

- 3rd (Reserve) Bn, Fusiliers du St. Laurent

- Laval University Contingent, COTC: Quebec

- 35th (Reserve) Brigade Group (Headquarters: Québec, PQ)

-- E and J Sections, 4th (Reserve) District Signals, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

-- 16th (Reserve) Armoured Regiment (7th/11th Hussars)

-- 35th (Reserve) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery (57th (Quebec), 82nd (Gaspe)

and 94th (Reserve) Field batteries)

-- 15th (Reserve) Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers

-- Canadian Infantry Corps

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Royal Rifles of Canada

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, Les Fusiliers de St.Laurent

--- Composite Infantry Battalion: (HQ, 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, Les Voltigeurs de Québec, B Company, 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, Le Régiment de Lévis, C and D Companies, 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, Le Régiment de Montmagny,

--- Composite Machine Gun Battalion: (HQ, A and B Companies, 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, Le Régiment de Québec, C and D Companies, 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, Le Régiment de la Chaudière)


Military District 10: HQ Winnipeg, Manitoba

A. регульярные войска.

- No. 10 District Signals: Winnipeg

- 1st Battalion.The Canadian Garrison Battalion - Niagara-on-the-Lakes, Ontario

- 2nd Battalion.The Canadian Garrison Battalion - Kingston, Ontario

B. резервисты.

- 38th (Reserve) Field Battery (How.)

- 7th (Reserve) Medium Brigade converted and redesignated as 7th (Reserve) Medium

Regiment, 1 February 1943. (11th (Reserve) Medium Battery (How.), 16th/17th (Reserve) Medium Battery, 18th (Reserve) Medium Battery (How.)): Winnipeg  Headquarters transferred to Port Arthur, Ontario, 1 April 1943.

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Lake Superior Regiment (Motor): Port Arthur, Ontario

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Lanark and Renfrew Scottish Regiment: Pembroke, Ontario

- 10th (Reserve) Armoured Regiment (The Fort Garry Horse), : Winnipeg

- University of Manitoba Contingent, COTC: Winnipeg

- Brandon College Contingent, COTC: Brandon

- 38th (Reserve) Brigade Group (Winnipeg, MB)

-- E and J sections, No.10 (Reserve) Divisional Signals, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

-- 18th (Reserve) Armoured Car Regiment (12th Manitoba Dragoons)

-- 38th (Reserve) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery (13th and 17th/119th (Reserve) Field Batteries)

-- 12th (Reserve) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Engineers

-- Canadian Infantry Corps

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Royal Winnipeg Rifles

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Winnipeg Grenadiers

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Winnipeg Light Infantry


Military District 12: HQ Regina, Saskatchewan

A. регульярные войска.

- No. 12 District Signals: Saskatoon

- 30th Reconnaissance Regiment (The Essex Regiment)

-  2nd Battalion, The King's Own Rifles of Canada

B. резервисты.

- 17th (Reserve) Field Brigade redesignated as 17th (Reserve) Field Regiment, 15 March

1943. (21st (Reserve) Field Battery, 44th (Reserve) Field Battery, 67th (Reserve) Rosetown Field Battery) : Saskatoon

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Battleford Light Infantry (16th/22nd Saskatchewan Horse): Lloydminster

- University of Saskatchewan Contingent, COTC: Saskatoon

- 40th (Reserve) Brigade Group  (Saskatoon, SK Prior to 1 Nov 1942, located in Regina, SK)

-- E and J sections, No.9 (Reserve) Fortress Signal Company, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

-- 8th (Reserve) Reconnaissance Regiment (14th Canadian Hussars)

-- 40th (Reserve) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery (64th, 76th and 101st (Reserve) Field Batteries)

-- 14th (Reserve) Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers

-- Canadian Infantry Corps

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Regina Rifle Regiment

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Saskatoon Light Infantry (M.G.)

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Prince Albert Volunteers

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The South Saskatchewan Regiment


Military District 13: HQ Calgary, Alberta

A. регульярные войска.

- No. 13 District Signals: Calgary

B. резервисты.

- 18th (Reserve) Field Brigade converted and redesignated as 18th (Reserve) Field

Regiment, 1 March 1943. (93rd (Reserve) Field Battery (How.), 112th (Reserve) Field Battery): Lethbridge

- Alberta University Contingent, COTC: Edmonton and Calgary

- 19th (Reserve) Alberta Dragoons: Edmonton

- 41st (Reserve) Brigade Group (Calgary, AB Prior to 1 Apr 1943, located in Edmonton, AB)

-- E and J sections, No.13 (Reserve) District Signals, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

-- 14th (Reserve) Army Tank Regiment, (The Calgary Regiment (Tank))

-- 29th (Reserve) Reconnaissance Regiment (South Alberta Regiment)

-- 41st (Reserve) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery (20th, 23rd, 61st and 78th (Reserve) Field Batteries)

-- 13th (Reserve) Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers

-- Canadian Infantry Corps

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Edmonton Fusiliers

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Calgary Highlanders

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Edmonton Regiment


Pacific Command (Major-General George R. Pearkes, Sept. 2, 1942 to Feb. 15, 1945) Pacific Command combined the pre-war Military District No. 11 (British Columbia and the Yukon Territory) with Military District No. 13 (Alberta and the District of Mackenzie of the Northwest Territories). The command headquarters was initially housed in Esquimalt Fortress near Victoria, but on November 30, 1942 it was moved to the Old Vancouver Hotel in downtown Vancouver.


Headquarters Atlantic Command


Victoria and Esquimalt Fortress

- Western Fortress Establishment, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals: Victoria

- No. 11 Fortress Signal Company: Victoria 

- 31st (Alberta) Reconnaissance Regiment, CAC (6-я канадская пехотная дивизия)

- 5th (British Columbia) Coast Brigade, RCA (55th, 56th, 60th Heavy Batteries, 2nd AA, 17th Searchlight Battery (CD)) - Victoria, BC

- 27th Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RCA (2nd, 9th, 10th, 13th, 22nd, 23rd, 42nd, 43rd AA Batteries) - Victoria-Esquimalt,

- 21st Field Regiment, RCA (6-я канадская пехотная дивизия)

- 3rd Battalion, The Regina Rifle Regiment

- 1st Battalion, Le Régiment de Hull 


Vancouver Defences

- No 10 Fortress Signal Companie: Vancouver

- 15th (Vancouver) Coast Brigade, RCA (56th Coast Battery,85th Coast Battery,31st Coast Battery, 58th Coast Battery, 3rd Searchlight Battery (CD)) - Vancouver, BC

- 1st Searchlight Regiment, RCA (1st Searchlight Battery, RCA: Vancouver)

- 28th Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RCA (21st, 31st, 43rd, 23rd AA Batteries) - Vancouver, BC

- 1st Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RCA (9th, 10th, 11th AA Batteries) - Vancouver,

- 1st Battalion, The Royal Rifles of Canada (Reconstituted 10 January 1942.  Original battalion lost in Hong Kong 25 December 1941.)

- The Canadian Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) (6-я канадская пехотная дивизия)

- 4th Fortress (Electrical and Mechanical) Company - Vancouver, British Columbia


Prince Rupert Defences

- 17th (North British Columbia) Coast Regiment, RCA (102nd, 9th Coast Batteries) - Mobilized 1 May 1942 at Prince Rupert, BC

-, 2nd Searchlight Battery (CD): Prince Rupert (1st Searchlight Regiment)

- 29th AA Regiment, RCA (9th, 11th, 22nd, 34th, 35th, 36th, 44th, 62nd AA Btys) - Mobilized 29 March 1943 at Prince Rupert Defences, BC

- One battery of the 22nd Field Regiment, RCA (8-я канадская пехотная дивизия)

- 1st Battalion, The Midland Regiment (Northumberland and Durham) (8-я канадская пехотная дивизия)

- 1st Battalion, The Winnipeg Grenadiers (Reconstituted 10 January 1942.  Original battalion lost in Hong Kong 25 December 1941.),

- Two companies of the King's Own Rifles of Canada (8-я канадская пехотная дивизия)

- The Prince Rupert Regiment M-G - Raised 19 October 1942 at Prince Rupert, BC


30th Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RCA (33rd, 36th, 39th, 59th AA Batteries) - Mobilized 29 March 1943 at Port Alberni, BC (Vancouver Island)


Military District 11: HQ Vancouver, British Columbia

A. регульярные войска.

- 11th Divisional Signals: Vancouver

B. резервисты.

- 62nd (Reserve) Field Battery (How.) , RCA: Duncan

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Rocky Mountain Rangers (Kamloops)

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The British Columbia Regiment, (Duke of Connaught's Own Rifles) : Vancouver

- 3rd (Reserve) Battalion, The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Machine Gun)

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, Royal Westminster Regiment

- British Columbia University Contingent, COTC: Vancouver

- 39th (Reserve) Brigade Group (Vancouver, BC)

-- E and J sections, No.9 (Reserve) Fortress Signal Company, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

-- 30th (Reserve) Reconnaissance Regiment (Essex Regiment (Tank))

-- 9th (Reserve) Armoured Regiment (British Columbia Dragoons)

-- 39th (Reserve) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery (201st, 202nd, and

203rd Field Batteries) Converted and redesignated as 11th (Reserve) Anti-Aircraft Regiment, 13 November1943.

-- 6th (Reserve) Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers

-- Canadian Infantry Corps

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Irish Fusiliers of Canada (The Vancouver Regiment)

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Canadian Scottish Regiment (MG)


Pacific Coast Militia Rangers (15 000 человек. – структура типа ополчения+ партизан на западном побережия на случай вторжения японцев) No. 1 Company Victoria (Goldstream, Sooke, the Jordan River area), No. 2 Company West Vancouver (Ambleside, Caufield, Horseshoe Bay), No. 3 Company Sidney, No. 4 Company Brentwood, No. 5 Company Port Alberni, No. 6 Company Clo-oose, No. 7 Company Camps 3 and 6, Youbou, No. 8 Company Youbou, No. 9 Company Rounds, No. 10 Company Camp 9 (Duncan Area), No. 12 Company Mayo (Duncan Area), No. 13 Company Hillcrest, No. 14 Company Bamfield, No. 15 Company Duncan, No. 16 Company Crofton, No. 17 Company Duncan, No. 18 Company Cowichan Lake, No. 19 Company Shawnigan Lake, No. 20 Company Cowichan Lake, No. 21 Company Fanny Bay, No. 22 Company Cumberland, No. 23 Company Courtenay, No. 24 Company Tsolum, No. 25 Company Oyster Bay, No. 26 Company Campbell River, No. 27 Company Quinsam, No. 28 Company Bloedel, No. 29 Company Sardis, No. 31 Company Nanaimo, No. 32 Company Parksville, No. 33 Company Ocean Falls, No. 34 Company Bralorne, No. 35 Company Pioneer Mines (Goldbridge, Pioneer Mines), No. 37 Company Lillooet, No. 38 Company Ganges, No. 39 Company Williams Lake, No. 40 Company Sechelt, No. 41 Company Bowen Island,

No. 42 Company Gibsons Landing, No. 43 Company Port Alice, No. 45 Company Salmon Arm, No. 46 Company Peachland, No. 47 Company Lasqueti Island, No. 48 Company Oliver, No. 49 Company Kingsgate, No. 50 Company Creston, No. 51 Company Armstrong, No. 52 Company Smithers, No. 53 Company Castlegar, No. 54 Company Alert Bay, No. 55 Company Nimpkish Lake, Englewood, No. 56 Company Port McNeill, No. 57 Company Englewood, No. 58 Company Port McNeill, No. 59 Company Port Hardy, No. 60 Company Whonnock, No. 61 Company Haney, No. 62 Company Deroche, No. 63 Company Langley, No. 64 Company Clinton, No. 65 Company Zeballos, No. 66 Company Dewdney, No. 67 Company Vernon, No. 68 Company Lytton, No. 69 Company Butedale, No. 70 Company Terrace (Copper City, Lower Skeena, Usk), No. 71 Company Penticton, No. 72 Company Trail (Fruitvale, Rossland, Tadanac, Casino), No. 73 Company Hope, No. 74 Company Bella Coola, No. 75 Company Bella Bella, No. 77 Company Coquitlam, No. 78 Company Kimberley, No. 79 Company Merritt, No. 80 Company Princeton, No. 81 Company Invermere, No. 82 Company Sicamous, No. 83 Company Squamish, No. 84 Company Ladner, No. 85 Company Kamloops (Barriere, Savona, Blackpool, Blue River), No. 86 Company Britannia Beach, No. 87 Company West Summerland, No. 88 Company Abbotsford (Straiton, Matsqui, Brander, Sumas), No. 89 Company Burnaby South (Burnaby Lake, Central Park, Royal Oak), No. 90 Company Burnaby North (Capitol Hill, Barnet), No. 91 Company Burnaby East (Lozells, Edmonds), No. 93 Company Surrey (White Rock, Cloverdale, Colebrook), No. 94 Company Agassiz, No. 95 Company Port Simpson, No. 96 Company Queen Charlotte City, No. 97 Company Quesnel, No. 98 Company Wells,  No. 99 Company Stave Falls, No. 100 Company Kelowna (Okanagan, Rutland, Glenmore), No. 101 Company Ladysmith, No. 102 Company Ucluelet, No. 103 Company Tofino, No. 104 Company McBride, No. 105 Company Masset, No. 106 Company Hudson Hope, No. 107 Company Port Renfrew, No. 108 Company Cumshewa, No. 109 Company Cumshewa Inlet  (Queen Charlotte Islands), No. 110 Company Kaslo, No. 111 Company Nakusp, No. 112 Company Chamis Bay, No. 113 Company Huxley Island  (Queen Charlotte Islands), No. 114 Company Cumshewa Inlet, No. 115 Company Golden, No. 116 Company Enderby, No. 117 Company New Westminster (Queensboro, Brunette, Poplar Island),  No. 118 Company West Point Grey, No. 119 Company Gambier Island, No. 120 Company Ashcroft, No. 121 Company South Slocan, No. 122 Company Nootka, No. 123 Company Ahousat, No. 124 Company Chase, No. 125 Company Richmond, No. 126 Company Galiano Island, No. 127 Company Pender & Saturna Islands, No. 128 Company Deep Cove, No. 129 Company Grand Forks, No. 130 Company Naas River, No. 131 Company Prince George (South Fort George, Sinclair Mills, Dome Creek), No. 132 Company Rivers Inlet, No. 133 Company James Island, No. 134 Company Woodfibre (North West Howe Sound), No. 135 Company Dawson, Y.T., No. 136 Company Pinchi Lake, No. 137 Company Vanderhoof


Pacific Command Water Transport Company, R.C.A.S.C.


6-я канадская пехотная дивизия (Major General E.A. PottsCBEED (– 11 October 1943), Major General H.N. GanongCBE (16 October 1943 – 15 December 1944)). (July 1942) (Vancouver Island)

- Headquarters, 6th Division,

- 6th Divisional Signals, R.C.C.S.

- No. 6 Defence and Employment Platoon (Lorne Scots)

- Machine gun battalion – 1st BattalionThe Canadian Fusiliers (City of London Regiment)

- 31st (Alberta) Reconnaissance Battalion (15th Alberta Light Horse)

- Royal Canadian Artillery: Headquarters Sixth Divisional Artillery, 21st Field Regiment (59th, 64th, 39th Fd Btys), 24th Field Regiment (49th, 84th, 85th Field Batterys),

-- 9th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment (25th, 46th, 48th, 79th Light Anti-Aircraft Batterys),

- Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers: (Headquarters 6th Divisional Engineers, 7th Field Park Company, 22nd Field Company, 25th Field Company, 26th Field Company)

- 13th Canadian Infantry Brigade (2nd Battalion, The Canadian Scottish Regiment, 1st Battalion, The Brockville Rifles, 1st Battalion, The Edmonton Fusiliers, No. 13 Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots)) (Port Alberni)

- 18th Canadian Infantry Brigade (1st Battalion, The Rocky Mountain Rangers, 1st Battalion, The Irish Fusiliers of Canada (The Vancouver Regiment), 1st Battalion The Sault Ste. Marie and Sudbury Regiment, No. 18 Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots) (Nanaimo)

- 19th Canadian Infantry Brigade (1st Battalion The Winnipeg Light Infantry, 1st Battalion The Prince Albert Volunteers, 3rd Battalion, The Irish Fusiliers of Canada (The Vancouver Regiment), No. 19 Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots) (Vernon , Command Reserve)


8-я канадская пехотная дивизия (Major General H.N. Ganong) (Pacific Command in Western Canada). (July 1942) (Northern British Columbia)

- HQ 8th Canadian Infantry Division

- 8th Divisional Signals

- 8 Defense and Employment Platoon (Lorne Scots)

- The Princess of Wales's Own Regiment M-G

- Royal Canadian Artillery: Headquarters, Eighth Divisional Artillery, 22nd Field Regiment (3rd, 6th, 80th Field Batterys), 25th (Norfolk) Field Regiment, RCA (114th, 115th, 116th Field Batteries), + armoured train

- Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers: Headquarters 8th Divisional Engineers, 21st Field Company, 24th Field Company,

- 14th Canadian Infantry Brigade (1st Battalion, The Kent Regiment, 1st Battalion, The King's Own Rifles of Canada, 1st Battalion, The Midland Regiment (Northumberland and Durham), No. 14 Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots)) (Terrace)

- 16th Canadian Infantry Brigade (1st Battalion The Oxford Rifles, 1st Battalion The Prince of Wales Rangers (Peterborough Regiment), 3rd Battalion, The Edmonton Fusiliers, No. 16 Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots) (Prince George)


Atlantic Command (Major-General William Henry Pferinger Elkins) Atlantic Command combined the pre-war Military District No. 6 (Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia) with Military District No. 7 (New Brunswick) and Military District No. 5 (the eastern part of the Province of Quebec bordering the Gulf of Saint Lawrence). Extending the existing military cooperation among Canada, the Dominion of Newfoundland and the United Kingdom, Atlantic Command also controlled Canadian personnel stationed in Newfoundland. Атлантическое командование располагалось в Галифаксе,  и включало полностю военные округа 6 и 7 (другими словами, провинции Новая Шотландия, Нью-Брансуик и остров Принца Эдуарда), а также части 5-го военного округа, расположенные к востоку от "линии, проведенной между мысом Чидли (Гудзонов пролив) и устьем реки Сагеней и простирается на юг от реки Св. Лаврентия по Темискутской железной дороге и Ривьер-дю-Лу до Эдмундстона, Нью-Брансуик. В состав Командования входили также британские колониальные владения Ньюфаундленд и Лабрадор.

Headquarters Atlantic Command


Halifax Fortress

- Eastern Fortress Establishment, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals: Halifax

- 1st (Halifax) Coast Brigade, Royal Canadian Artillery (RCA) (51st, 52nd, 53rd Heavy Batteries, 9th Heavy Battery (How), 1st AA, 9th (Cape Breton) Searchlight Battery, 10th Searchlight Battery) - Halifax, Nova Scotia

- 21st Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RCA (4th, 18th, 19th, 49th AA Batteries) – ( Halifax, NS)

- 1st Battalion, The Lanark and Renfrew Scottish Regiment

- 2nd Battalion, The Black Watch (R.H.R.) of Canada (attached from 7th Cdn Inf Div)

- 2nd Fortress (Electrical and Mechanical) Company - Halifax, Nova Scotia


Military District 6: HQ           Halifax, Nova Scotia

A. регульярные войска.

- No. 6 District Signals: Charlottetown, PEI

- HQ, The Royal Canadian Artillery, Halifax

-- 1st, 2nd Heavy Batteries, RCA: Halifax

B. резервисты.

- 7th (Reserve) Anti-Aircraft Battery, RCA: Stellarton

- 8th (Reserve) Medium Battery (How.) c: Charlottetown

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Prince Edward Island Highlanders (Prince Edward Island) : Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

- Nova Scotia Technical College Contingent, COTC: Halifax

- Dalhousie University Contingent, COTC: Halifax

- 36th (Reserve) Brigade Group (Halifax, NS) (Formed: 1 May 1943)

-- E Section, Divisional Signals (from No.6 (Reserve) Fortress Signal Company), Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

-- 36th (Reserve) Brigade Group Reconnaissance Squadron

-- 14th (Reserve) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery (87th (Reserve) Field Battery, 88th (Reserve) Field Battery +  84th (Reserve) Field Battery, 1 January 1943 эх  6th Anti-Aircraft Battery)

-- 20th (Reserve) Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers

-- Canadian Infantry Corps

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The West Nova Scotia Regiment

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The North Nova Scotia Highlanders

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Princess Louise's Fusiliers (MG)

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Halifax Rifles

- 42nd (Reserve) Brigade Group (Westville, NS) (Formed: 1 May 1943)

-- F section, Divisional Signals, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals (formed from elements of No.5 (Reserve) Fortress Signal Company, RCCS)

-- 17th (Reserve) Armoured Regiment Regiment (Prince Edward Island Light Horse)

-- 42nd (Reserve) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery (23rd (Reserve) Medium Battery)

-- 21st (Reserve) Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers

-- Canadian Infantry Corps

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Pictou Highlanders

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Cape Breton Highlanders

--- 62nd (Infantry) Reserve Company, Veteran's Guard of Canada


Saint John Defences

- Headquarters St. John Defences

- 1st Battalion, The Saint John Fusiliers (Machine Gun) (St. John)

- 1st (Brighton) Fortress (Electrical and Mechanical) Company - Saint John, New Brunswick

- 3rd (New Brunswick) Coast Brigade (The Loyal Company of Artillery), RCA (4th Heavy Batterie, 15th Coast Battery, 1st Searchlight Battery) - Saint John, New Brunswick

- 22nd Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RCA (25th, 52nd, 53rd AA Batteries) – (Saint John, NB)


Military District 7: HQ Saint John, New Brunswick

A. регульярные войска.

- No. 7 District Signals: Saint John

B. резервисты.

- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The New Brunswick Rangers, Sussex

- Mount Allison University Contingent, COTC: Saint John

- University of New Brunswick Contingent, COTC: Frederickton

- 19th (Reserve) Army Tank Regiment (The New Brunswick Regiment (Tank)): Moncton

- 12th (Reserve) Field Brigade converted and redesignated as 12th (Reserve) Field

Regiment, 1 September 1943.( 104th (Reserve) Field Battery, 105th (Reserve) Field Battery) : Frederickton

- 37th (Reserve) Brigade Group (Saint John, NB)

-- E and J sections, Divisional Signals, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals (formed from elements of No.4 (Reserve) Fortress Signal Company, RCCS)

-- 5th (Reserve) Armoured Regiment (8th Princess Louise's (New Brunswick) Hussars)

-- 37th (Reserve) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery (28th, 89th and

90th (Reserve) Field Batteries)

-- 1st (Reserve) Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers

-- Canadian Infantry Corps

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Carelton and York Regiment

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The New Brunswick Rangers

--- 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Saint John Fusiliers (MG)


Sydney and Canso Defences

- Headquarters Sydney-Canso Defences

- 16th Coast Brigade, RCA (6th, 36th, 86th Heavy Batteries) - Sydney-Canso, Nova Scotia

- 23rd Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RCA (6th, 50th, 51st, 24th AA Batteries) - Sydney, NS

- 1st Battalion, Les Fusiliers du St-Laurent (less two companies)

- 2nd/10th Dragoons C.I.C (attached from 7th Cdn Inf Div)

- 3rd Fortress (Electrical and Mechanical) Company - Sydney, Nova Scotia


Shelburne Defences

- Headquarters Shelburne Defences

- 104th Coast Battery, RCA

- One company of Les Fusiliers du St. Laurent


Gaspé Defences

- 105th Coast Battery, RCA

- One company of Les Fusiliers du St. Laurent


Goose Bay Defences

- 108th Coast Battery, RCA

- (1st Battalion, The New Brunswick Rangers (The unit served at Goose Bay, Labrador in a home defence role as part of Atlantic Command from June 1942 to July 1943. It embarked for Britain on 13 September 1943. В АИ в 1942 году отправлен в Португалию))


7-я канадская пехотная дивизия  (Major-General P.E. Leclerc). (July 1942) (Camp Debert, Nova Scotia)

- HQ 7th Canadian Infantry Division

- 7th Divisional Signals RCCS

- 24th Reconnaissance Battalion (Les Voltigeurs de Québec)

- Machine Gun Battalion - Le Regiment de Chateauguay

- 7 Defense and Employment Platoon (Lorne Scots)

- Royal Canadian Artillery: Headquarters, Seventh Divisional Artillery, 20th Field Regiment (58th, 72nd, 50th Fd Btys), 23rd Field Regiment (31st, 36th, 83rd Field Batterys), 26th Field Regiment (117th, 118th, 119th Field Batteries), 10th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment (6th, 7th, 8th, 9th Light AA Batterys), 8th Anti-Tank Regiment (10th, 11th, 12th, 13th AT Battery) 28th Field Regiment, RCA (123rd, 124th, 125th Field Batteries) - Mobilized 15 May 1943 from 8th Anti-Tank Regiment to replace 23rd Field Regiment, RCA

- Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers: Headquarters 7th Divisional Engineers, 15th Field Company, 28th Field Company, 27th Field Company, 5th Field Park Company,

- 15th Canadian Infantry Brigade (1st Battalion, Les Fusiliers de Sherbrooke, 1st Battalion, Le Régiment de Montmagny, 1st Battalion  Le Régiment de Québec, No. 15 Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots)) (Camp Debert, Nova Scotia)

- 17th Canadian Infantry Brigade (1st Battalion Victoria Rifles of Canada, , 2nd Battalion, The Black Watch of Canada , 1st Battalion, The Dufferin and Halimand Rifles of Canada , No. 17 Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots) (based at Camp Sussex, New Brunswick)

- 20th Canadian Infantry Brigade (2nd/10th Dragoons, 3rd Battalion, The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, 3rd Battalion, The Royal Winnipeg Rifles , No. 20 Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots) (Camp Debert, Nova Scotia)


-  Dominion of Newfoundland  (Newfoundland)

- "Combined Newfoundland and Canadian Military Forces in Newfoundland" (Major-General L. F. Page).

-- Newfoundland Militia,( 26 officers and 543 other ranks)  Saint John's

--- 1st Coastal Defence Battery (Two QF 4.7-inch B Mark IV* guns), (Bell Island)

-- 'W' Force (канадцы) (based in St. John's)

--- Headquarters St. John's Defences (Newfoundland)

--- company of Atlantic Command Signals

--- "W" Force Brigade Headquarters
--- 1st Battalion The Pictou Highlanders
 (канадцы until August 1943)

--- 1st Battalion, The Prince Edward Island Highlanders (канадцы from 1941 to 1943)

--- 1st Battalion, Le Régiment de Joliette (канадцы from 1942 to 1944)

--- 1st Airfield Defence Battalion - 1st Battalion, Le Régiment de Chateauguay (Mitrailleuses), (канадцы)

--- 1st Battalion, Le Régiment de St. Hyacinthe,(канадцы)  (from May 1943)

--- 1st Battalion,The Victoria Rifles of Canada

--- (The Lincoln and Welland Regiment (until May 1943) в АИ переброшен в Португалию)

--- 25th Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RCA (14th, 27th, 48th, 54th, 55th, 16th AA Batteries) - Mobilized 1 June 1942 at St. John's, Newfoundland (канадцы)

--- 26th Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RCA (2nd, 5th, 105th, 7th, 28th, 29th, 56th, 57th AA Batteries) - Mobilized 1 June 1942 at St. John's, Newfoundland (канадцы)

--- 103rd Coast Battery, RCA

--- 106th Coast Battery, RCA

--- 5th Fortress Company, RCE - Raised 1 March 1942 at St. John's, Newfoundland (канадцы)

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Британские острова. Домашние войска.


 Chief of the Imperial General Staff (CIGS) (Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke)

- General Headquarters Signals, Royal Corps of Signals (SR), Glasgow

- 1st General Headquarters Signal Company, Royal Corps of SignalsGlasgow

- 2nd General Headquarters Signals Company, Royal Corps of SignalsAldershot

- 3rd General Headquarters Signal Company, Royal Corps of SignalsEdinburgh


Commander-in-Chief, Home Forces (HQ St Paul's School ) (General Sir Bernard Paget )


No. 10 (Inter-Allied) Commando (Lieutenant Colonel Dudley Lister)

- No. 1 (French) Troop (40 Frenchmen)

- No. 2 (Dutch) Troop (62 men)

- No. 3 Troop ("X" Troop) (130 men Jews of German, Austrian or Eastern European origins. Other members were German political refugees, or members of other religious minorities persecuted by the Nazis in Germany)

- No. 4 (Belgian) Troop (100 men)

- No. 5 (Norwegian) Troop (?)

- No. 6 (Polish) Troop (seven officers and 84 men)

- No. 7 (Mediterranean) Troop (formed in May 1943 after a need was identified for Italian speakers. The troop only numbered two officers and 20 men)

- No. 8 (French) Troop (45 men)




Scottish Command (Lieutenant General Sir Andrew Thorne) (HQ Edinburgh)

- Scottish Command Signal Company, Royal Corps of SignalsEdinburgh


- Fourth Army (United Kingdom) (HQ Edinburgh) (deception)


- Royal Artillery Fixed Defences, Scottish Ports

-- Headquarters, Scottish Coastal Defences, Leith

-- Forth Fire Command, Leith

-- Clyde Fire Command, Gourock

-- Orkneys Fire Command, Orkney


- Highland Area  [Headquarters, Perth]

-- Orkneys Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery (TA)

--- 533 (Orkney) Coast Regiment, RA,

--- 534th Coast Regiment, RA

--- 535th Coast Regiment, RA. 

-- Fife Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery (TA) (September 1941, Forth 3 x 9.2-inch guns 16 x 6-inch guns 4 x 12-pounder guns 6 x 6-pounder guns, Dundee had 4 x 6-inch and Montrose had 2 x 6-inch)

--- 504th (Fife) Coast Rgt

--- 507th (Fife) Coast Rgt


- Lowland Area [Headquarters, in Darlington]

-- 14th Searchlight Depot, Royal Artillery (SR), Troon

-- Lowland Coast Defences

--- Forth Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery (TA), Edinburgh

(Forth (504th (Fife), 505th (Forth), 506th (Forth), 507th (Fife) Coast Rgts) 3 x 9.2-inch, 16 x 6-inch, 4 x 12-pounders, 6 x 6-pounders

----  Dundee (503rd Coast Rgt) 4 x 6-inch

---- Aberdeen (502nd Coast Rgt) 4 x 6-inch

---- Invergordon (501st Coast Rgt) 6 x 6-inch

---- There were also emergency batteries of 6-inch guns of various marks installed in 1940 at MontrosePeterhead, Stannergate (Dundee), Girdleness (Aberdeen) and Nigg (Cromarty).

--- Clyde Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery (TA), Port Glasgow

---- 538th (Clyde) Coast Regiment (152 Bty at Cloch Point, 153 Bty at Toward Castle – to Stranraer by August 1942, 154 Bty at Loch Ewe – became independent 7 September 1942, 155 Bty at Dunoon, 308 Bty at Ardhallow Battery – independent battery joined 7 September 1942, 407 Bty at Stranraer – to Toward Castle 31 August 1942)


- Norwegian Independent Company 1 (спецназзабрасивают диверсантов)


- Royal Artillery  (79th (Scottish Horse Yeomanry) Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery


- 207th Independent Infantry Brigade (Brigadier R.N. Stewart) (Orkney and Shetland Defences) (9th Battalion, South Lancashire Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Gordon Highlanders, 2nd Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders)


- 227th (Highland) Independent Infantry Brigade  (Brigadier J.R. Mackintosh-Walker) ( Orkney) (9th Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders (left 30 November 1942), 10th Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) (– 18 November 1942), Lovat Scouts (30 September 1942 – 9 July 1943), 2nd Battalion, Royal Scots (18 November 1942 – 15 March 1943), 10th Battalion, Highland Light Infantry (joined 3 December 1942), 13th Battalion, Highland Light Infantry (20 January–9 July 1943))


- 228th Independent Infantry Brigade (Brigadier Hon William Fraser) (Shetland Islands) (2nd Battalion, Royal Scots (until 17 November 1942), 7th Battalion, King's Own Scottish Borderers (until 14 July 1943), 10th Battalion, Highland Light Infantry (until 2 December 1942), 4th Battalion, Cameron Highlanders (18 November – 19 December 1942), 7th Battalion, North Staffordshire Regiment (3 December 1942 – 28 July 1943), 2nd Battalion, Cameron Highlanders (20 December 1943 – 15 September 1943))


- 2nd Independent Parachute Brigade Group (Brigadier Ernest Down) (обучение до лета 1943 года) [4th Parachute Battalion, 5th (Scottish) Parachute Battalion, 6th (Royal Welch) Parachute Battalion, 300th Airlanding Anti-tank Battery Royal Artillery, 64th Airlanding Battery Royal Artillery, 2nd Parachute Squadron Royal Engineers, 2nd Independent Parachute Brigade Group Signal Company Royal Signals, 1st Independent Glider Squadron Army Air Corps, 23rd Independent Platoon Army Air Corps (Pathfinders)]


- 3rd Parachute Brigade (raised on 7 November 1942 (эх 223rd Independent Infantry Brigade ), under the command of Brigadier Sir Alexander Stanier. Stanier was soon replaced by Brigadier Gerald Lathbury,) (7th (Light Infantry) Parachute Battalion, 8th (Midlands) Parachute Battalion,  9th (Eastern and Home Counties) Parachute Battalion. On 11 August 1943 the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion arrived in England and was assigned to the brigade (в АИ ранше ), 3rd Airlanding Anti-Tank Battery from the Royal Artillery, the 3rd Parachute Squadron of the Royal Engineers  battery of howitzers from the 53rd (Worcester Yeomanry) Airlanding Light Regiment)


- 301st Infantry Brigade (РИ was formed on 15 January 1945 within Scottish Command from the following Territorial Army RA units:616th Infantry Regiment, Royal Artillery formed by 508th (Tynemouth) Coast Regiment RA (TA),  617th Infantry Regiment, Royal Artillery formed by 512th (East Riding) Coast Regiment RA (TA) , 619th Infantry Regiment, Royal Artillery formed by 524th (Lancashire and Cheshire) Coast Regiment RA (TA) В АИ создается осеню 1942 года переводом взрослых солдат из зенитной и береговой артилерии которих заменьяют подростками)


- 1st Belgian Infantry Brigade  («Brigade Piron») (Major Jean-Baptiste Piron) (2200 officers and men бельгийцы и луксембуржцы) (Staff, British Liaison, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Motorised companies – each with rifle platoons reinforced by mortar, machine gun, anti-tank and anti-aircraft platoons. Armoured Car Squadron – 4 squadrons equipped with a mixture of Daimler Armoured CarsStaghound armoured cars (some armed with anti-aircraft weapons) and Daimler "Dingo" Scout Cars and a supply and recovery squadron, Artillery Battery – 12 25 pounder gun-howitzers, organised into 3 troops, one of which was Luxembourgish., Engineers Company, Transport Company, Repair Detachment, Medical Unit)


- 52-я горная пехотная дивизия. (Major-General Neil M. Ritchie)

-- Штаб со службами.

-- 52nd Divisional Signals, Royal Corps of Signals

-- 52nd Reconnaissance RegimentReconnaissance Corps

-- 7th The Manchester Regiment [MG]

-- Royal Artillery: 1 Mountain Regiment, 3 Mountain Regiment, 79th (Lowland) Field Regiment, 80th (Lowland – City of Glasgow) Field Regiment, 186th Field Regiment, 54th (Queen’s Own Royal Glasgow Yeomanry) Anti-Tank Regiment, 108th (Green Howards) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment.

-- Royal Engineers: 241st (Lowland) Field Company, 554th Field Company,  202nd (East Lancashire) Field Company (from 42nd Divisional Engineers 7 June 1940), 243rd (Lowland) Field Park Company

-- 155th Infantry Brigade  (7th/9th The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment), 4th The King's Own Scottish Borderers, 5th The King's Own Scottish Borderers)

-- 156th Infantry Brigade (4th/5th The Royal Scots Fusiliers, 6th The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), 7th The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles))

-- 157th Infantry Brigade (1st Glasgow Highlanders, 5th The Highland Light Infantry, 6th The Highland Light Infantry)

[The battalions of the division were bolstered with large drafts of soldiers from all over Great Britain and were not just drawn from their traditional regimental recruiting areas].


Polish I Corps (general dyw.  Marian Kukiel c октября 1942 general bryg. Mieczysław Boruta-Spiechowicz)

(в АИ путем расформерования кадрированных и учебных частей доведен до полной численности. Много офицеров на унтерских и даже рядових должностях. Планируются отправить на фронт но  не ранше декабря 1942 года и Черчиль тормозят отправку.

- Штаб со службами.

- 1-й батальон связи.

- 1-й полк тяжелой артилерии  (1 Pułk Artylerii Ciężkiej)


- Polish 1st Armoured Division.   (1 Dywizja Pancerna) (РИ 16,000 soldiers, 380 tanks (Convenanter, Крусайдер, Валентайн), 470 guns) (General Stanisław Maczek) допилили ускоренно из наличного материала.

-- Штаб со службами.

-- signals 1-й батальон связи (1 batalion łączności)

-- engineers (saperzy dywizyjni – 1 Batalion Saperów) 10 Kompania Saperów , 11 Kompania Saperów, 11 Kompania Parkowa Saperów,  pluton mostowy

-- Divisional Artillery (Artyleria dywizyjna) 1st Motorized Artillery Regiment (1 pułk artylerii motorowej), 2nd Motorized Artillery Regiment (2 pułk artylerii motorowej), 1st Anti-Tank Regiment  (1 pułk artylerii przeciwpancernej), 1st Anti-Aircraft Regiment (1 pułk artylerii przeciwlotniczej)

-- 10th Mounted Rifle Regiment (10 pułk strzelców konnych) (armoured reconnaissance equipped with Covenanter tanks) (эх 1-й полк разведки - 1 Pułk Rozpoznawczy)

-- 10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade (10 Brygada Kawalerii Pancernej) (1st Armoured Regiment (1 pułk pancerny) (52 Convenanter tanks, 11 Mk VI Crusader tanks), 2nd Armoured Regiment (2 pułk pancerny) (52 Convenanter tanks, 11 Mk VI Crusader tanks), 24th Polish Uhlan Regiment (Armoured24 pułk ułanów im. Hetmana Żółkiewskiego52 Crusader tanks), 10 Batalion Dragonów ( Motor Battalion))

-- 16th Armoured Brigade (16 Brygada Czołgów)

(Штаб со службами , 3-й танковий полк (3 pułk pancerny) (52 Mk IV Churchill II, 11 Valentine Mk. III), 14-й бронекавалерийский полк (14 Pułk Kawalerii Pancernej) (52 Convenanter tanks, 11 Mk VI Crusader tanks), 16 Batalion Dragonów (Motor Battalion)), 

-- 3rd Infantry Brigade (3 Brygada Strzelców) (1st Podhale Rifles Battalion (1 batalion Strzelców Podhalańskich – из 1-й бригады), 8th Rifle Battalion (8 Batalion Strzelców эх 1 Batalion Strzelców), 9th Rifle Battalion (9 Batalion Strzelców – ускоренно допилили,), отдельный эскадрон тяжелых пулеметов)


--  1-я отдельная стрелковая бригада (1 Brygada Strzelców) (5743 żołnierzy, w tym 419 oficerów i 978 podoficerów.) (gen. bryg. Bolesław Bronisław Duch) (Штаб со службами, Офицерский гренадерский батальон (АИ на основе частей Учебной бригады (Brygada Szkolna)), 2-й стрелковый батальон, 3-й стрелковый батальон, 1-я разведывательная рота, 1 противотанковая рота, 1-й легкий артиллерийский дивизион,1-я батарея зенитной артиллерии, 1-я саперная рота, 1-я рота связи)


-  Polish 1st Independent Parachute Brigade.( 1 Samodzielna Brygada Spadochronowa) (Gen. bryg. Stanisław Sosabowski) (ok. 2200 żołnierzy) (Штаб со службами, 1 парашютно-стрелковый батальон, 2-й парашютно-стрелковый батальон, 3-й парашютно-стрелковый батальон, авиадесантный легкая артиллерийский дивизион (командная батарея 2x батареи 75-мм орудий), авиадесантный противотанковий артиллерийский дивизион (командная батарея, 4 x 6-фунтовые батареи), авиадесантная рота саперов, рота связи)


Regtal Dists closed, and Infantry Training Centres formed at command level:

No. 8 Infantry Training Centre at Perth

- The Royal Highland Regiment (The Black Watch ) Depot, Perth  (3rd Battalion (The Royal Perthshire Rifle Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 10th Battalion [1943-1946 (transferred to the Black Watch from the Orkney and Shetland Islands Defence Forces in 1943)], 30th Battalion [1941-1943], 50th (Holding) Battalion [1940-1943], 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1942] ), 

- The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise's)  Depot, Stirling (3rd Battalion (Highland Borderers Light Infantry Militia) [1881-1953],  4th Battalion (The Prince of Wales's Royal Renfrew Militia) [1881-1953], 11th (Argyll and Dumbarton) Battalion [1939-1947], 30th Battalion [1941-1943], No. 1 (Shetlands) Independent Company [1943-1943?]))


No. 9 Infantry Training Centre at Aberdeen

- The Scottish Rifles (Cameronians) Depot, Hamilton (3rd Battalion (2nd Royal Lanarkshire Militia) [1881-1953], 4th Battalion [1881-1953], 10th (Lanarkshire) Battalion [1939-1947],  12th Battalion [1940-1943], 30th Battalion [1941-1943]), 

- The City of Glasgow Regiment (Highland Light Infantry) Depot, Glasgow (3rd Battalion (1st Royal Lanarkshire Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 4th Battalion (1st Royal Lanarkshire Regiment of Militia) [1883-1953], 10th Battalion [1939-1947], 11th Battalion [1939-1941, 1943-1947], 13th (Motor) Battalion [1940-1944],  14th (Motor) Battalion [1940-1942, 1943-1943], 30th Battalion [1941-1943], )

- Gordon Highlanders Depot, Aberdeen (3rd Battalion (Royal Aberdeenshire Highlanders Militia) [1881-1953], The London Scottish [1937-1967], 30th Battalion [1941-1943], No. 1 (Shetland) Independent Company [1943-1945?],  No. 2 Independent Company [1943-1945?], No. 3 Independent Company [1943-1945?]))


No. 10 Infantry Training Centre at Berwick

- The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment) Depot, Milton Bridge (2nd Battalion [1686-1949 1942.05Orkneys, 1943.04 Gibraltar], 3rd Battalion (The Edinburgh, or Queen's Regt of Light Infantry), 30th Battalion [1941-1943], No. 1 Independent Company (Royal Scots) [1943-1945?]  No. 2 Independent Company (Royal Scots) [1943-1945?]  No. 3 Independent Company (Royal Scots) [1943-1945?]),

-  Royal Scots Fusiliers  Depot, Ayr (3rd Battalion (Royal Ayrshire and Wigtown Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 30th Battalion [1941-1943]), 

-  The King's Own Scottish Borderers Depot, Berwick-upon-Tweed (3rd Battalion (Scottish Borderers Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 10th (Service) Battalion [1941-1943]  No. 1 Independent Company [1943-1943]  No. 2 Independent Company [1943-1943]))


No. 11 Infantry Training Centre at Fort George

- The Duke of Albany's Seaforth Highlanders (The Ross-shire Buffs) Depot, Fort George (3rd Battalion (Highland Rifle Militia) [1881-1953] 9th Battalion [1940-1945], 30th Battalion [1941-1945?] No. 1 Independent Company [1943-1945?]), 

- The  Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders Depot, Inverness (3rd Battalion (The Highland Light Infantry) [1881-1953], The Liverpool Scottish [1937-1961] 30th Battalion [1941-1943]))


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Северная Англия.


Northern Command (Lieutenant General Sir Ralph Eastwood) (HQ York)

- Northern Command Signal Company, Royal Corps of Signals, York

- Training Battalion, Royal Corps of SignalsCatterick Camp


- Royal Artillery Fixed Defences, Northern Ports

-- Royal Artillery Coast Defences, Northern Command, Tynemouth Castle

-- Humber Fire Command, Hedon

-- Tees and Hartlepool Fire Command, Hartlepool

-- Tynemouth Fire Command, Tynemouth


- Northumbrian Area [HQ Darlington]

-- Northumbrian Area Coastal Defences

--- Tynemouth Heavy Coastal Regiment, Royal Artillery (TA), Blyth

---- 508 (Tynemouth) Coast Regiment [Regimental HQ (RHQ) at Tynemouth Castle in Tynemouth Fire Command]

----- 259 Coast Bty from A/508 – 9.2-inch guns at Tynemouth Castle (1 x 9.2-inch Mk X)

------ 260 Coast Bty from A/508 – 6-inch guns at Tynemouth Castle (3 – 2 x 6-inch Mk V)

------ 261 Coast Bty from A/508 – 4-inch guns at Tynemouth Castle (1 x 4-inch)

------- 262 Coast Bty from B/508 – at Spanish Battery (2 x 6-inch Mk VII)

------- 263 Coast Bty from C/208 – at Clifford's Fort, North Shields 1 – 1 x 9.2-inch Mk X gun ()

------- 348 Coast Bty – at Frenchman's Battery, South Shields (2 x 6-inch Mk XII)

------- 420 Independent Coast Bty joined 10 November 1941 from Needles BatteryIsle of Wight

---- 509 (Tynemouth) Coast Regiment [RHQ at Sunderland in Sunderland Fire Command]

----- 264 Coast Bty from A/509 – Roker (4 x 4.7-inch Quick Fire (QF) guns)

----- 265 Coast Bty from B/509 – Barrows (2 x 12-pounders)

----- 312 Coast Bty – Whitburn (2 x 6-inch Mk VII)

----- 314 Coast Bty – Seaham (2 x 6-inch Mk VII)

----- 397 Coast Bty – joined from 511th (Durham) Coast Rgt 30 June 1942

---- 510 (Tynemouth) Coast Regiment [RHQ at Blyth]

----- 266 Coast Bty from A/510 – Blyth (4 x 6-inch)

----- 311 Coast Bty – Druridge Bay

----- 313 Coast Bty – Tynemouth Castle (2 x 12-pounders)

----- 68 and 70 Coast Observer Detachments (CODs) – joined August 1941

----- 310 Coast Bty – joined from 505th (Forth) Coast Rgt 3 November 1941– Spittal

----- 19 COD – joined January 1942, replaced by 97 COD by end of year

----- 20 and 22 Mobile Defence Troops – attached to 311 Coast Bty January 1942

----- 80 COD – joined April 1942

----- 322 Coast Bty – joined from 565th Coast Rgt at HunstantonNorfolk,15 May 1942

--- East Riding Heavy Coastal Regiment, Royal Artillery (TA), Kingston upon Hull

---- 512th (East Riding Coast Rgt

----- 193, 269, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276 Btys

----- 270 Bty – disbanded November 1942

----- 65 Coast Observer Detachment

----- 94 Coast Observer Detachment – joined October 1942

---- 513th (East Riding) Coast Rgt

----- 349, 350 Btys – to 545th Coast Rgt October 1942

----- 320, 383 Btys – from 545th Coast Rgt October 1942

----- 64, 77 Coast Observer Detachments

----- 66 Coast Observer Detachment – joined October 1942 from 544th Coast Rgt at Scarborough, North Yorkshire

---- 545th Coast Rgt

----- 318, 319, 349, 351 Btys

----- 320, 383 Btys – to 513th (ER) Coast Rgt October 1942

----- 349, 350 Btys – from 513th (ER) Coast Rgt October 1942

----- 321 Bty – disbanded December 1942

----- 437 Bty – new battery joined October 1942

----- 30 Coast Observer Detachment

----- 90 Coast Observer Detachment – joined October 1942

--- Durham Heavy Coastal Regiment, Royal Artillery (TA), Hartlepool

---- 511 (Durham) and 526 (Durham) Coast Regiments.( Hartlepool) (one 9.2-inch gun and four 6-inch Breech Loading (BL) guns)

---- 526 (Durham) Coast Regiment.moved to guard Paisley on the River Clyde.


- West Riding Area [Headquarters, York ]

-- West Riding Area Signal Section, Royal Corps of SignalsYork

-- 1st Field Artillery Depot, Harrogate

-- 4th Infantry Training Group, Ripon

-- Anti-Aircraft Training Depot, Royal Corps of SignalsHarrogate

-- Training Depot, Royal EngineersRipon


- Royal Artillery ( 80th (The Scottish Horse) Medium Regiment,  

- Royal Engineers ( 104th (East Lancashire) Army Troops Company,  234th (Northumbrian) Field Company,


- 218th Independent Infantry Brigade (disbanding on 10 November 1942, when its battalions were converted to anti-tank regiments) (7th Battalion, King's Shropshire Light Infantry (29 November 1941 — 13 October 1942, converted later that year into the 99th Anti-Tank Regiment Royal Artillery) 11th Battalion, Gloucestershire Regiment (11 December 1941 — 31 January 1942) 2nd Battalion, Liverpool Scottish (13 September — 9 November 1942, converted later that year into the 89th Anti-Tank Regiment Royal Artillery) 19th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers (27 September — 30 October 1942, converted later that year into the 98th Anti-Tank Regiment Royal Artillery))


I Corps (Lieutenant-General Frederick Morgan)

- Штаб со службами.

- I Corps SignalsRoyal Corps of Signals

- The Inns of Court Regiment (Armoured Car Regiment)

- Royal Artillery (4th Army Group, Royal Artillery (с 1943г.) 53rd (London) Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery , 65th (Highland) Medium Regiment,  51st (Lowland) Heavy Regiment, RA

- Royal Engineers  I Corps Troops, Royal Engineers213 (North Midland) Army Field Company ,  277 Corps Field Park Co )


- 9-я бронетанковая дивизия (используется как учебная) (Major-General John D'Arcy) (14,964 men, 227 tanks) Covenanter + M3 Stuart tanks. в АИ  + Cavalier tanks   1944 году  расформерованна.

-- Штаб со службами.

-- 1st Royal Gloucestershire Hussars - (16 January 1943 - 10 July 1943)

-- Royal Artillery (6th Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery,141st (Queen's Own Dorset Yeomanry) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, 74th Anti-Tank Regiment, 54th (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, 150th (Loyals) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery - (2 March 1944 - 10 July 1944))

-- Royal Engineers (в АИ передали из 42-й дивизии) HQ 42nd Divisional Engineers, 16th Field Company, Royal Engineers, 17th Field Company, RE (became 617th Field Company 1 March 1943), 149th Field Park Company, RE

-- 27th Armoured Brigade: (4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards, 13th/18th Royal Hussars (Queen Mary's Own), 1st East Riding of Yorkshire Yeomanry, 7th The King's Royal Rifle Corps)

-- 28th Armoured Brigade  (5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards, 15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars, 1st Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, 8th The King's Royal Rifle Corps)

-- 7th Infantry Brigade (Guards) (2nd Bn, The South Wales Borderers, 6th Bn, The Royal Sussex Regiment, 2nd/6th Bn, The East Surrey Regiment)


- 79-я бронетанковая дивизия (Major General Sir Percy Hobart) (формируется как инженерно штурмовая, в АИ допилили ранше за счет канибализации 42-й бронетанковой дивизии (эх 42nd (East Lancashire) Infantry Division), которую в РИ пустили на запчасти лиш в октябре 1943 года.)

-- Штаб со службами.

-- 42nd (East Lancashire) Armoured Divisional SignalsRoyal Corps of Signals

-- 112th Regiment Royal Armoured Corps (Foresters) (armoured car regiment) (from 17 November 1941, left 24 February 1943) 1st Northamptonshire Yeomanry (from 18 April 1943, left 16 October 1943)

-- HQ Royal Artillery – converted into 9th Army Group Royal Artillery on 1 May 1943 (142nd (Royal Devon Yeomanry) Field Regiment, 150th (South Notts Hussars Yeomanry) Field Regiment, 55th (Suffolk & Norfolk Yeomanry) Anti-Tank Regiment, 119th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment) + 86th (East Anglian) (Hertfordshire Yeomanry) Field Regiment (42-я бронетанковая дивизия)

-- 1 Assault Brigade and Assault Park Squadron RE (AVRE) (Formed on 1 November 1943) (149 Assault Park Squadron, 5th Assault Regiment, 6th Assault Regiment, 42nd Assault Regiment)

-- 11th Army Tank Brigade (107th Regiment Royal Armoured Corps (previously 5th Battalion, King's Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster) Valentine, Churchill), 110th Regiment Royal Armoured Corps (previously 5th Battalion, Border Regiment Covenanter, Churchill), 111th Regiment Royal Armoured Corps (previously 5th Battalion, Manchester Regiment  Cruiser Mk IV, Valentine, Churchill))

--- 42nd Support Group [147th (Essex Yeomanry) Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery, 53rd (Worcestershire and Oxfordshire Yeomanry) Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery, 93rd Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery]

-- 71st Infantry Brigade (1st Battalion East Lancashire Regiment, 1st Battalion Oxford and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 1st Battalion Highland Light Infantry)

-- 185th Infantry Brigade (2nd Bn Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 1st Bn Royal Norfolk Regiment, 2nd Bn King's Shropshire Light Infantry)


- 55-я (West Lancashire) пехотная дивизия (Major-General Hugh Hibbert) (During the Second World War the division was a 1st Line Territorial Army formation, but many of its units did not see active service outside Britain. One unit that served overseas was the 510th Field Park Company of Royal Engineers that served in North Africa.)

-- Штаб со службами.

-- 55th (West Lancashire) Divisional SignalsRoyal Corps of Signals

-- 55th Independent Squadron, Reconnaissance Corps

-- 161st Regiment, Reconnaissance Corps (from 23 December 1943; renamed 161st Reconnaissance RegimentRoyal Armoured Corps 1 January 1944, left 24 July 1944)

-- 5th Battalion, Manchester Regiment (Machine Gun Battalion) (from 22 October 1944)

-- Royal Artillery (109th (Westmorland and Cumberland Yeomanry) Field Regiment, 136th (1st West Lancashire) Field Regt, 174th Field Regiment, 192nd Field Regiment (from 23 February, until 20 December 1943), 170th Field Regiment (from 22 May 1943, until 15 March 1944), 66th Anti-Tank Regiment, 103rd Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment (from 4 February, until 30 November 1942), 149th (Sherwood Foresters) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment (from 31 August, until 23 December 1943),          

-- Royal Engineers (55th Field Company (until 22 January 1943), 557th Field Company (became 557th Assault Squadron in 42nd Assault Regiment 4 October 1943))

-- 164th (North Lancashire) Brigade (1/4th Battalion, South Lancashire Regiment, 9th Battalion, King's Regiment (Liverpool) (until 17 September 1942), 17th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry (from 10 September 1942, until 25 September 1943), 10th Battalion, Green Howards (from 20 September 1942, until 18 May 1943))

-- 165th (Liverpool) Brigade (5th Battalion, King's Regiment (Liverpool) (until 16 April 1943), 1st Battalion, Liverpool Scottish, (Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders) (until 13 July 1944), 2nd Battalion, Liverpool Scottish, (Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders) (until 13 September 1942), 10th Battalion, Duke of Wellington's Regiment (from 13 September 1942, until 31 July 1944)

-- 199th (Manchester) Brigade (renamed 166th Infantry Brigade on 15 August 1944) (2/8th Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers (left 23 July 1944), 7th Battalion, Manchester Regiment (left 31 October 1942), 1st Battalion, Manchester Regiment (from 28 May, until 15 September 1942), 2nd Battalion, Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire) (from 16 September 1942, until 16 October 1944), 5th Battalion, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (from 11 October 1942, until 1 January 1943))


- 304th Infantry Brigade (РИ 22 January 1945 by conversion of the Headquarters of 38th Light Anti-Aircraft Brigade within the 2nd Anti-Aircraft Group, 630th (Essex) Infantry Regiment, Royal Artillery formed by 28th (Essex) Searchlight Regiment RA (TA). 637th (The Northamptonshire Regiment) Infantry Regiment, Royal Artillery formed by 50th Searchlight Regiment RA (TA) (The Northamptonshire Regiment), which had originally been converted from the 4th Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment, 638th (Royal Northumberland Fusiliers) Infantry Regiment, Royal Artillery formed by 53rd (Royal Northumberland Fusiliers) Searchlight Regiment RA (TA), which had originally been converted from 5th Battalion, Royal Northumberland Fusiliers. В АИ создается осеню 1942 года переводом взрослых солдат из зенитной и береговой артилерии которих заменьяют подростками)


-  305th Infantry Brigade (РИ 22 January 1945 by conversion of the Headquarters of the 49th Anti-Aircraft Brigade within 2nd Anti-Aircraft Group., 622nd Infantry Regiment Royal Artillery formed by 117th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA). 624th Infantry Regiment Royal Artillery formed by 82nd Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA), which had briefly (January–April 1942) seen active service in North Africa as part of 1st Support Group in 1st Armoured Division. 639th (Essex Regiment) Infantry Regiment Royal Artillery formed by the 64th (Essex Regiment) Searchlight Regiment RA (TA), which had originally been converted from the 1/6th BattalionEssex Regiment. В АИ создается осеню 1942 года переводом взрослых солдат из зенитной и береговой артилерии которих заменьяют подростками)


- 77-я пехотная дивизия (Major-General Godwin Michelmore) (не боеспособна - Formed 1 December 1941 by redesignation of the Devon and Cornwall County Division in the UK 20 December 1942 redesignated 77th Infantry (Reserve) Division in the UK 1 September 1944 disbanded in the UK.)

-- Штаб со службами.

-- 77th Infantry Division Signal RegimentRoyal Corps of Signals

-- 77th Independent Squadron, Reconnaissance Corps (until January 1943)

-- 10th Battalion, King's Royal Rifle Corps (Motor Battalion. From January 1943, until November 1943)

-- Royal Artillery: 23rd Field Regiment, 175th Field Regiment (from July 1942), 176th Field Regiment,

87th (Devon) Anti-tank Regiment ( until October 1942)

-- Royal Engineers:  100 (Monmouthshire) Field Company, 101 (Monmouthshire) Field Company, 556th Field Company (from January 1943, until October 1943)

-- 203rd Infantry Brigade (2nd Bn. East Surrey Regiment (–3 January 1943), 10th Bn. Royal Sussex Regiment (–24 October 1943), 15th Bn. Queen's Royal Regiment (West Surrey) (–24 October 1943),  8th Bn, Devonshire Regiment (from January 1943, until November 1943))

-- 209th Infantry Brigade (9th Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) (–25 October 1943), 10th Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) (until 25 October 1943), 11th (Royal Militia of Jersey) Bn, Hampshire Regiment, 14th Bn Durham Light Infantry (25 September 1942–14 November 1944))

-- 211th Infantry Brigade [10th Bn East Surrey Regiment (until 2 January 1943), 13th Bn Queen's Royal Regiment (West Surrey) (20 September 1942–20 July 1944), 2/6th Bn Lancashire Fusiliers (5 October 1942–25 October 1943),

7th Bn Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment (5 January 1943–20 April 1944)]


Regtal Dists closed, and Infantry Training Centres formed at command level:


- No. 4 Infantry Training Centre (at Brancepeth Brancepeth Castle)

-- Duke of Wellington's Regiment Depot, Halifax (3rd Battalion (6th West York Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 10th Battalion [1941-1946], 11th Battalion [1944-1947], 12th Battalion [1944-1947]),  

-- Durham Light Infantry  Depot, Newcastle upon Tyne (3rd Battalion (1st or North Durham Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 4th Battalion (2nd or South Durham Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943]))

-- From 4 July 1941 included No.54 Physical Training Wing


- No. 5 Infantry Training Centre (at Richmond Richmond Barracks)

-- East Yorkshire Regiment Depot, Beverley (3rd Battalion (York East Riding Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 30th Battalion [1941-1943])

-- Green Howards  Depot, Richmond (3rd Battalion (5th West York Regiment of Militia) [1882-1953], 11th Battalion [1940-1946], 10th (East Riding Yeomanry) Battalion (1943 the 12th (Yorkshire) Parachute Battalion),)

-- From 4 July 1941 included No.55 Physical Training Wing


- No. 6 Infantry Training Centre (at Strensall Queen Elizabeth Barracks)

-- West Yorkshire Regiment Depot, York (3rd Battalion (2nd West York Light Infantry) [1881-1953], 4th Battalion (4th West York Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 5th Battalion [1908-1958], 11th Battalion [1940-1946], 14th Battalion [1944-1947], 79th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943])

-- Lancashire Fusiliers   Depot, Wellington Barracks (3rd Battalion (7th Royal Lancashire Militia) [1881-1898, 1908-1953], 4th Battalion [1891-1898, 1908-1953])

-- King's Own (South) Yorkshire Light Infantry  Depot, Pontefract (3rd Battalion (1st West York Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 6th Battalion [1942-1944]))

-- From 4 July 1941 included No.56 Physical Training Wing


- No. 7 Infantry Training Centre  (at Lincoln Sobraon Barracks)

-- Lincolnshire Regiment Depot, Lincoln (3rd Battalion (North Lincolnshire Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], )

-- Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment (Sherwood Foresters) Depot, Derby

(3rd Battalion (Chatsworth Rifles, or 2nd Derbyshire Militia) [1881-1953], 4th Battalion (Royal Sherwood Foresters, or Nottinghamshire Militia) [1881-1953], 50th (Holding) Battalion [1940-1945]),

-- York & Lancaster Regiment Depot, Pontefract (3rd (Militia) Battalion [3rd West York Regiment of Militia], 11th Battalion [1940-1944]))

-- From 4 July 1941 included No.57 Physical Training Wing

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Восточная  Англия.


Eastern Command (Lieutenant General Sir James Gammell) (HQ Luton Hoo (1941–1945))

- Eastern Command Signal Company, Royal Corps of Signals, London

- Royal Artillery ( 2nd Super Heavy Regiment, Royal ArtilleryRoyal Artillery School of Gunnery


- Eastern Command Coastal Artillery

-- Headquarters, Royal Artillery Fixed Defences, Eastern Ports, Sheerness Dockyard

-- Dover Fire Command, Royal Navy Dockyard

-- Thames Fire Command, Shoeburyness

-- Medway Fire Command, Sheerness Dockyard

-- Harwich Fire Command, Port of Felixstowe


- East Anglian Area [East Anglian Area Headquarters, The Barracks, Herford]

 -- Suffolk Heavy Regiment, Royal ArtilleryDovercourt

--- 514th Coast Regiment RA (TA) with headquarters at Lowestoft (Felixstowe after 1942).

--- 515th Coast Regiment RA (TA), with headquarters at Harwich.


- 54-я (East Anglian) пехотная дивизия (Major-General Evelyn H. Barker) (disbanded and broken up on 14 December 1943 . Its component units would take part in the Normandy campaign as support units.)

-- Штаб со службами.

- 54th (East Anglian) Divisional Signals, Royal Corps of Signals

- 54th BattalionReconnaissance Corps (raised 15 July 1941)

- Royal Artillery (168th Field Regiment, 92nd Anti-Tank Regiment, 55th (Suffolk Yeomanry) Anti-Tank Regiment) 

- Royal Engineers (249th (East Anglian) Field Company (to 6th Airborne Division 20 May 1943), 286th Field Company (to 20 May 1943), 591st (Antrim) Field Company (to 6th Airborne Division 20 May 1943))

- 162nd Infantry Brigade  (6th Battalion, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment, 1st Battalion, Hertfordshire Regiment (to September 1942), 2nd Battalion, Hertfordshire Regiment (to September 1942))

- 163rd Infantry Brigade (2/4th Battalion, Essex Regiment (until 11 April 1943), 5th (Hackney) Battalion, Royal Berkshire Regiment (until 1 November 1943), 7th (Hackney) Battalion, Royal Berkshire Regiment (disbanded 10 October 1942))

- 198th (East Lancashire) Brigade (8th (Irish) BattalionKing's Regiment (Liverpool), 6th Battalion, Border Regiment,7th Battalion, Border Regiment (until 9 December 1942))


- 76-я пехотная дивизия (Major-General William Ozanne) (20 December 1942 redesignated 76th Infantry (Reserve) Division in the UK. 1 September 1944 disbanded in the UK.)

-- Штаб со службами.

-- 76th Infantry (Reserve) Division Signal Regiment, Royal Corps of Signals

-- 76th Independent Squadron, Reconnaissance Corps (until January 1943)

-- Royal Artillery: 167th Field Regiment (until January 1943), 173rd Field Regiment (from November 1943), 56th (Highland) Medium Regiment (from January 1943), 94th Anti Tank Regiment (from January 1943, until November 1943)

-- Royal Engineers: 250th (East Anglian) Field Company, 250th Field Company,  556th Field Company (until January 1943)

-- 213th Infantry Brigade (9th Bn The Royal Berkshire Regiment, 14th Bn The South Staffordshire Regiment, 7th Bn Royal Norfolk Regiment (14 September–20 October 1942))

-- 220th Infantry Brigade (9th Bn The Royal Norfolk Regiment, 1/5th Bn West Yorkshire Regiment (9 September 1942–27 January 1943), 6th Bn Northamptonshire Regiment (–17 November 1943))

-- 222nd Infantry Brigade (8th Bn, Leicestershire Regiment (Battalion was renamed the 1st Battalion in July 1942, and remained with the division until December 1942.), 8th Bn The Lincolnshire Regiment, 9th Battalion Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment (7 September–10 October 1942), 4th Bn East Lancashire Regiment (3 October 1942–14 November 1943)) disbanded on 18 November 1943.


Regtal Dists closed, and Infantry Training Centres formed at command level:


- No. 1 Infantry Training Centre (at Warley Warley Barracks)

-- City of London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) Depot, Hounslow Barracks (5th Battalion (Royal Westminster, or 3rd Middlesex Militia) [1898-1953],  6th Battalion (Royal South, or 4th Middlesex Militia) [1908-1953], 7th Battalion (Royal London Regiment of Militia) [1908-1953], 30th Battalion [1941-1943], 122nd Battalion [1943-1945], 123rd Battalion [1943-1945])

-- Essex Regiment Depot, Warley Barracks (3rd Battalion (East Essex Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943]))

-- From 2 July 1941 included No.51 Physical Training Wing


- No. 2 Infantry Training Centre (at Norwich Britannia Barracks)

-- Norfolk Regiment Depot, Britannia Barracks (3rd Battalion (West Norfolk Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 9th Battalion, Royal Norfolk Regiment – from 16 December 1942 to 14 August 1944 25th Brigade, 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943])

-- Northamptonshire Regiment Depot, Northampton Barracks (3rd Battalion (Northampton and Rutland Militia) [1881-1953], 6th Battalion [1940-1946]))  

-- From 2 July 1941 included No.52 Physical Training Wing


- No. 3 Infantry Training Centre (at Bury St. Edmunds Gibraltar Barracks)

-- Suffolk Regiment Depot, Gibraltar Barracks  (3rd Battalion (West Suffolk Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 8th Battalion [1940-1947], 30th Battalion [1941-1943], 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943], 2nd Battalion, The Cambridgeshire Regiment [1939-1947])

-- Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regimentt Depot, Kempston Barracks (3rd Battalion (Bedfordshire Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 4th Battalion (Hertford Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 6th Battalion [1939-1947], 9th Battalion [1940-1946], 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943], 71st (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943]))

-- From 2 July 1941 included No.53 Physical Training Wing

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Западная Англия.


Western Command (Lieutenant General Sir Edmond Schreiber) (HQ Chester)

- Western Command Signals, Royal Corps of Signals, The Dale


- Royal Artillery Fixed Defences, North-Western Ports

-- Headquarters, Fixed Defences, Liverpool

-- Mersey Fire Command, Liverpool

- Royal Artillery Fixed Defences, Welsh Ports

-- Headquarters, Fixed Defences, Pembroke

-- Milford Haven Fire Command, Pembroke

-- Severn Fire Command, Barry Island


- Welsh Area [Headquarters, Copthorne Barracks]

-- 3rd Field Depot, Royal Artillery, Park Hall Barracks

-- 4th Field Depot, Royal ArtilleryKinmel Camp

-- 10th Anti-Aircraft Depot, Royal Artillery, Park Hall Barracks

-- 11th Anti-Aircraft Depot, Royal Artillery, Park Hall Barracks

-- 15th Searchlight Depot, Royal Artillery, Park Hall Barracks

-- 16th Searchlight Depot, Royal ArtilleryKinmel Camp

-- 17th Searchlight Depot, Royal ArtilleryRAF Credenhill


- Welsh Area Coast Defences

-- Glamorgan Heavy Regiment, Royal ArtilleryCardiff

--- 531st (Glamorgan) Coast Regiment (HQ Cardiff)

---- 130 Bty – became independent by November 1942

---- 170 Independent Bty – joined by November 1942

---- 187 Bty – joined by mid-July 1942

---- 430 Bty – joined December 1941

--- 559th Coast Regiment (HQ Mumbles)

---- 146, 401, 431 Btys

---- 299 Bty – joined May 1942 from 562nd Coast Rgt

---- 422 Bty – joined by November 1942 from 561st Coast Rgt

---- 431 Bty – joined by May 1942

---- 32 Coast Observer Detachment – left by December 1942 for 532nd (Pembroke) Coast Rgt

---- 33 Coast Observer Detachment

--- 570th Coast Regiment (HQ Flat Holm)

---- 145, 188, 189 Btys

--- 571st Coast Regiment (HQ Brean Down)

---- 365, 366 Btys

-- Pembrokeshire Heavy Regiment, Royal ArtilleryMilford Haven

--- 532nd (Pembroke) Coast Regiment.

---- 357 Bty – from 524th Coast Rgt May 1942

---- 367 Bty

---- 368 Bty

---- 429 Bty – joined by end of 1941

---- 62 Coast Observer Detachment – joined later in 1941

---- No 7 Coastal Artillery Plotting Room, Milford Haven – incorporated into regiment July 1942


- West Lancashire Area [Headquarters, Preston]

-- 12th Anti-Aircraft Depot, Royal ArtillerySaighton Camp

-- 18th Searchlight Depot, Royal ArtillerySaighton Camp


- West Lancashire Area Coastal Defences

-- Lancashire and Cheshire Heavy Regiment, Royal ArtilleryLiverpool


- East Lancashire Area [Headquarters, Manchester ]

-- 13th Anti-Aircraft Depot, Royal Artillery, Carlisle Castle Barracks

-- 23rd Searchlight Depot, Royal Artillery Carlisle Castle Barracks


- 214th Independent Infantry Brigade (Brigadier H. Essame )

(7th Battalion, Somerset Light Infantry, 5th Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, 9th Battalion, Somerset Light Infantry) 


38-я (Welsh) пехотная дивизия (Major-General D. C. Butterworth) (From 1943 the division was placed on the lower establishment, meaning that it had fewer men and less equipment than first line formations. In January 1944 it became a reserve training division and its brigades were detached. While reformed on paper in September 1944, this was simply a deception exercise and the original 38th division was disbanded. Its number was assumed by the 80th Division, a training formation which provided men for the British forces in North-West Europe. This new 38th division was again disbanded at the end of the war.)

-- Штаб со службами.

- 38th Divisional Signals, Royal Corps of Signals

-38th Independent Squadron, Reconnaissance Corps (6 June 1942 until 18 October 1943)

161th Reconnaissance Regiment, Reconnaissance Corps (24 October until 12 November 1943)

38th Reconnaissance Regiment, Reconnaissance Corps (13 November until 31 December 1943)

- 5th Battalion, Cheshire Regiment (Machine gun battalion)

- Royal Artillery:183th Field Regiment (until 4 April 1943), 182nd Field Regiment (from 2 January 1943 until 14 August 1944), 193th Field Regiment (22 May 1943 until 21 October 1943), 70th Anti-Tank Regiment

- Royal Engineers: 283rd Field Company (until 2 February 1944), 284th Field Company (until 6 October 1943), 616th Field Company (until 14 August 1944)

- 113th Infantry Brigade (15th Bn, Welch Regiment, 2/5th Bn, Welch Regiment, 4th Bn, Monmouthshire Regiment (until 12 December 1942, when it became the 1st Bn, South Wales Borderers))

- 114th Infantry Brigade (5th Bn, King's Shropshire Light Infantry, 1st Brecknockshire Bn, South Wales Borderers, 2nd Bn, Herefordshire Light Infantry)

- 115th Infantry Brigade (8th Bn, Royal Welch Fusiliers (until 4 July 1944), 9th Bn, Royal Welch Fusiliers (until 11 October 1943), 13th Bn, Royal Welch Fusiliers (from 7 October 1942 until 4 July 1944))


- 308th Infantry Brigade  (РИ 22 January 1945 by conversion of Headquarters 61st Anti-Aircraft Brigade within 4 Anti-Aircraft Group. 627th Infantry Regiment Royal Artillery formed by 98th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA). 629th Infantry Regiment Royal Artillery formed by 135th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA). 633rd (Queen's Own Royal West Kent) Infantry Regiment Royal Artillery formed by the 34th (Queen's Own Royal West Kent) Searchlight Regiment RA (TA), itself formed from the 20th Battalion, London Regiment (Blackheath and Woolwich) in 1935. В АИ создается осеню 1942 года переводом взрослых солдат из зенитной и береговой артилерии которих заменьяют подростками)


49-я (West Riding) горная арктичная пехотная дивизия  (Major-General Henry O. Curtis/ April 1943 Major-General Evelyn H. Barker)

- Штаб со службами.

- 49th (West Riding) Infantry Divisional Signals Regiment, Royal Corps of Signals

- 49th Reconnaissance RegimentReconnaissance Corps (formed 5 September 1942, became 49th Reconnaissance Regiment, Royal Armoured Corps 1 January 1944)

- 2nd Battalion, Princess Louise's Kensington Regiment (from 7 June 1943, joined as divisional support battalion, became machine gun battalion 28 February 1944)

- Royal Artillery (69th (West Riding) Field Regiment, 143rd (Kent Yeomanry) Field Regiment,  178th Field Regiment, (from 15 May 1942 until 28 December 1942), 185th Field Regiment, 88th Anti-Tank Regiment (until 24 July 1943), 55th (Suffolk Yeomanry) Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery (from 26 July 1943), 118th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery (until 8 December 1942), 89th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery (from 29 December 1942)

- Royal Engineers (294th Field Company, 756th Field Company, 757th Field Company, 289th Field Park Company)

- 70th Infantry Brigade (10th BattalionDurham Light Infantry, 11th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry, 1st Battalion, Tyneside Scottish (Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment))

- 146th Infantry Brigade [4th Battalion The Lincolnshire Regiment, 1/4th Battalion Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, The Hallamshire Battalion The York and Lancaster Regiment]

- 147th Infantry Brigade (1/6th Battalion, Duke of Wellington's Regiment , 1/7th Battalion, Duke of Wellington's Regiment 11th Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers )


Regtal Dists closed, and Infantry Training Centres formed at command level:

- No. 18 Infantry Training Centre (at Carlisle)

-- The King's Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster)  Depot, Bowerham Barracks (3rd Battalion (1st Royal Lancashire Regiment of Militia (The Duke of Lancaster's Own)) [1881-1953])

-- Border Regiment  Depot, Carlisle Castle (3rd Battalion (Royal Cumberland Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953] 7th (Cumberland) Battalion [1939-1947] 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943]),

 -- Loyal (North Lancashire) Regiment  Depot, Fulwood Barracks  (3rd Battalion (3rd Royal Lancashire Regiment of Militia (The Duke of Lancaster's Own) [1881-1953]))


- No. 19 Infantry Training Centre at Formby

-- King's (Liverpool) Regiment Depot, Seaforth Barracks (3rd Battalion (2nd Royal Lancashire Regiment of Militia (The Duke of Lancaster's Own)) [1881-1900, 1901-1953]  4th Battalion [1881-1953] 13th Battalion [1940-1945] 30th Battalion [1941-1943] 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943]),

--  East Lancashire Regiment Depot, Burnley Barracks (3rd Battalion (5th Royal Lancashire Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953] 30th Battalion [1941-1943])

--  South Lancashire Regiment  (The Prince of Wales's Volunteers) Depot, Peninsula Barracks (3rd Battalion (4th Royal Lancashire Regiment of Militia (The Duke of Lancaster's Own)) [1881-1953] 30th Battalion [1941-1943]))


- No. 20 Infantry Training Centre at Shrewsbury

-- The Prince of Wales's North Staffordshire Regiment Depot, Whittington Barracks (3rd Battalion (King's Own (2nd Staffordshire) Militia) [1881-1953] 4th Battalion (King's Own (3rd Staffordshire) Militia) [1881-1953])

-- King's  Shropshire Light Infantry   Depot, Copthorne Barracks (3rd Battalion (Shropshire Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953] ))


- No. 21 Infantry Training Centre at Brecon

-- Royal Welsh Fusiliers  Depot, Hightown Barracks (3rd Battalion (Royal Denbigh and Flint Militia) [1881-1953], 13th Battalion [1940-1946], 30th Battalion [1941-1943], 31st Battalion [1941-1946], 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943])

-- South Wales Borderers Depot, The Barracks, Brecon (3rd Battalion (Royal South Wales Borderers Militia (Royal Radnor and Brecknock Rifles) [1881-1953], The Brecknockshire Battalion, 30th Battalion [1941-1943]),  

-- Welch Regiment Depot, Maindy Barracks (2/5th Battalion [1939-1947], 3rd Battalion (Royal Glamorgan Light Infantry) [1881-1953], 15th (Carmarthenshire) Battalion [1939-1947], 18th Battalion [1940-1944], 19th Battalion [1940-1943], 30th Battalion [1941-1944], 31st Battalion [1941-1943]))


- No. 22 Infantry Training Centre (at Warwick)

-- Royal Warwickshire Regiment  Depot, Budbrooke Barracks (1st Battalion [1673-1968 served from 1937 to 1939 on the North West Frontier in British India.[50] Throughout the war, the 1st Battalion remained mainly on garrison duties and internal security operations, despite many times being promised a chance to fight in the war. In late 1944, it began training for jungle warfare.] 3rd Battalion (1st Warwickshire Regiment of Militia) [1881-98, 1908-53] 4th Battalion (2nd Warwickshire Regiment of Militia) [1881-98, 1908-53] 8th Battalion [1908-1947] 15th Battalion [1940-1943] 30th Battalion [1941-1944] 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943])

-- Leicestershire Regiment Depot, Leicester(3rd Battalion (Leicestershire Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953] 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943]))


- No. 23 Infantry Training Centre (at Worcester)

-- Worcestershire Regiment Depot, Norton Barracks (5th Battalion (Worcester Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953] 6th Battalion [1881-1953]), 11th Battalion [1940-1943 - 1st Battalion, The Worcestershire Regiment, ]

-- South Staffordshire Regiment  Depot, Whittington Barracks (3rd Battalion (King's Own (1st Staffordshire) Militia) [1881-1953] 4th Battalion [1881-1953] 11th Battalion [1940-1946] 15th Battalion [1940-1945] 30th Battalion [1941-1944] 31st Battalion [1941-1943] 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943]))


- No. 24 Infantry Training Centre (at Chester)

--  Royal Northumberland Fusiliers Depot, Newcastle upon Tyne (3rd Battalion (Northumberland Light Infantry Regt of Militia) [1881-1953],  4th Battalion [1908-1950 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Royal_Northumberland_Fusiliers_battalions_in_World_War_II#4th_Battalion] 6th (City) Battalion [1908-1967] , No. 98 Primary Training Centre. (эх 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1942]))

-- Cheshire Regiment  Depot, Chester Castle (3rd Battalion (1st Royal Cheshire Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953] 4th Battalion [1908-1921, 1939-1967] ???? 30th Battalion [1941-1946]),

-- Middlesex Regiment Depot, Inglis Barracks (5th Battalion (5th Middlesex Light Infantry, or Royal Elthorne Regiment of Militia) [1900-1953] 6th Battalion (1st, or Royal East Middlesex Regiment of Militia) [1900-1953] No. 1 Independent Company (Middlesex) [1943-1944?] No. 2 Independent Company (Middlesex) [1943-1944?]  No. 3 Independent Company (Middlesex) [1943-1944?]),

 -- Manchester Regiment  Depot, Ladysmith Barracks (3rd Battalion (6th Royal Lancashire Regiment of Militia) [1881-1900, 1908-1953] 4th Battalion [1908-1953] 30th Battalion [1941-1943]))


Северная Ирландия.

Northern Ireland District (Major-General Vivian Majendie –1943) (Headquarters, Victoria Barracks)

- Northern Ireland District Signal Company, Royal Corps of SignalsVictoria Barracks

- Antrim Fortress Engineers, Royal EngineersBelfast

- District Royal Artillery

-- Headquarters, Royal Artillery, Victoria Barracks

-- Belfast Fire Command, Belfast

-- 525th (Antrim) Coast Regiment., Belfast

-- 3rd (Northern Ireland) Anti-Aircraft Brigade (SR)

--- Headquarters, 3rd AA Brigade, Belfast

--- 3rd (Ulster) Searchlight Regiment, Royal ArtilleryBelfast

--- 8th (Belfast) Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal ArtilleryBelfast

--- 9th (Londonderry) Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal ArtilleryDerry


61-я пехотная дивизия (Major-General Charles Fullbrook-Leggatt) (Northern Ireland) (On 15 April 1940 part of the division (the British 146th Infantry Brigade and 61st Division HQ) was converted into Maurice Force, a formation created for operations in Norway. Although the division was reformed it did not see active service outside the United Kingdom.)

-- Штаб со службами.

- 61st Divisional Signals, Royal Corps of Signals

- 61st Reconnaissance Regiment, Reconnaissance Corps

- 4th Battalion, Cheshire Regiment (from 29 October 1943 until 20 September 1944 as the divisional support battalion, then from 1 July 1944 until 20 September 1944 as the divisional machine-gun battalion)

- Royal Artillery: 119th (Soth Midland) Field Regiment, 120th (Soth Midland) Field Regiment,  145th (Berkshire Yeomanry) Field Regiment, 63rd Anti-Tank Regiment, 103rd Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment (from 24 February 1943 until 1 March 1944), 148th (Warwickshire) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery (from 2 March 1944)

- Royal Engineers: 266th Field Company,    267th Field Company, 268th Field Company, 269th Field Park Company (from 18 January 1940)

- 182nd Infantry Brigade  (2/7th Bn. The Royal Warwickshire Regiment,  9th Bn. The Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 9th Bn. The Worcestershire Regiment)

- 183rd Infantry Brigade (4th BattalionNorthamptonshire Regiment, 7th Battalion, Gloucestershire Regiment, 10th Bn. The Worcestershire Regiment)

- 184th Infantry Brigade (2nd Buckinghamshire Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 5th Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 6th Battalion, Royal Berkshire Regiment) 


- 303rd Infantry Brigade (РИ 22 January 1945 by conversion of the Headquarters of 27th (Home Counties) Anti-Aircraft Brigade within the 2nd Anti-Aircraft Group632nd (St Pancras) Infantry Regiment Royal Artillery formed by the 33rd (St Pancras) Searchlight Regiment RA (TA). (This had originally been the 19th Battalion, London Regiment (St Pancras) until conversion in 1935.) 634th (Middlesex) Infantry Regiment, Royal Artillery formed by 36th (Middlesex) Searchlight Regiment RA (TA) 635th (King's Regiment) Infantry Regiment Royal Artillery formed by 38th (The King's Regiment) Searchlight Regiment RA (TA). (This had originally been 6th (Rifle) Battalion of the King's Regiment (Liverpool) until conversion in 1936.) В АИ создается осеню 1942 года переводом взрослых солдат из зенитной и береговой артилерии которих заменьяют подростками)


Regtal Dists closed, and Infantry Training Centres formed at command level:

- No. 25 Infantry Training Centre at Ballykinler

--  Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers , (Depot St Lucia Barracks, 3rd Battalion (Royal Tyrone Fusiliers) [1908-1953], 4th Battalion (Fermanagh Light Infantry) [1908-1953], 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943] ),

--  Royal Ulster Rifles (Depot Gough Barracks, 3rd Battalion (Antrim Militia (Queen's Own Royal Rifles) [1908-1953], 4th Battalion (Royal North Down Rifles) [1908-1953], 5th Battalion (Royal South Down Light Infantry) [1881-1953], 30th Battalion [1940-1943], 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943])

-- Royal Irish Fusiliers (Depot (переброшен из Catterick Camp), 3rd Battalion (Armagh Light Infantry) [1881-1953], 4th Battalion (Cavan Light Infantry) [1881-1953], 6th Battalion [1940-1944] , 30th (Northern Ireland) Battalion [1941-1943])

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Лондон, Южная и Юговосточная Англия.


London District [Maj-Gen. Arthur Francis Smith]

- Headquarters, London District, Horse Guards 

- London District Signals, Royal Corps of Signals (TA), London

- 5th Infantry Training Group, Pirbright

- Household Cavalry Training Regiment (The Life Guards+Royal Horse Guards (The Blues))Hyde Park Barracks + Combermere Barracks

- Guards Depot (Grenadier Guards (Holding Battalion [1940-1943])+ Coldstream Guards (Holding Battalion [1940-1943], 6th Battalion [1941-1943])+ Scots Guards (4th Battalion [1940-1943], Holding Battalion [1940-1943])+Irish Guards ()+Welsh Guards (6th (Armoured) Battalion [1941-1943])), Caterham Barracks

- Officers Producing Group

-- Group Headquarters, RHQ Welsh Guards, Birdcage Walk

-- Artists Rifles (TA), Finsbury

-- 20th Armoured  Brigade (1st Royal Gloucestershire Hussars1st Northamptonshire Yeomanry2nd Northamptonshire Yeomanry, 2nd Battalion, The Rangers) (part of the Coats Mission , the plan to evacuate the Royal Family in the event of a German invasion)


Southern Command  (Lieutenant General Sir Charles Loyd) (HQ Tidworth Camp)

- Southern Command Signals, Royal Corps of SignalsBulford Barracks


- Salisbury Plain Area [Headquarters, Bulford Barracks]

-- 2nd Field Depot, Royal Artillery, Fargo Barracks


- South Midland Area [Headquarters, South Midland Area, Cowley Barracks ]


- South-Western Area [Headquarters, Raglan Barracks]

-- 3rd Infantry Training Group, Newton Abbot

-- 8th Anti-Aircraft Depot, Royal ArtilleryHMS Heron

-- 20th Searchlight Depot, Royal ArtilleryHMS Heron

-- 22nd Depot, Royal ArtilleryJellalabad Barracks


- Portland Coast Defences [Headquarters, Weymouth]

-- Portland Fire Command, Weymouth

-- Dorsetshire Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery (TA), Weymouth

--- 522nd (Dorsetshire) Coast Regiment 

---- 102 Coast Bty at East Weare (2 x 9.2-inch Mk X)

---- 103 Coast Bty at Blacknor (2 x 9.2-inch Mk X guns)

---- 104 Coast Bty at Breakwater (2 x 6-inch Mk VII gun)

---- 105 Coast Bty at Nothe Fort (3 x 6-inch Mk VII gun 4 x  Vickers QF 3.7-inch AA guns)

---- 106 Coast Bty at A, Centre and B Piers, Portland (4 x 12-pdr QF guns)

---- 107 Coast Bty at C Pier (Northern Arm), Portland (1 x 6-inch Mk VII gun)

---- 134 Coast Bty at Upton (2 x 9.2-inch Mk X)

---- 31, 57 Coast Observer Detachments (CODs) – joined August–December 1941

---- 98 COD – joined by July 1942

---- No 4 Coast Artillery Plotting Room (Portland) – joined by July 1942

--- 569th Coast Rgt (Bridport)

---- 239 Independent Coast Bty West Bay, Bridport Harbour, (2 x 5.5-inch guns and 2 x searchlights.)

---- 387 Coast Bty at Abbotsbury (2 x 4-inch)

--  emergency batteries of ex-Royal Navy guns

--- two 6-inch Mk XII naval guns manned by the army, ordered for Poole Harbour

--- two 4.7-inch guns ordered for Lyme Regis

--- two 4-inch Mk VII guns Swanage.


- Plymouth and Falmouth Defences [Headquarters, Plymouth]

-- South-Western Ports Fixed Defences (Headquarters, Plymouth)

--- Rame Fire Command, Plymouth

--- Drake's Fire Command, HMS Drake

--- Wembury Fire Command, Wembury Point Holiday Camp

--- Devonshire Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery (TA), Plymouth

---- 566 (Devon) Coast Regiment, RA

----- 159 Bty at Drake's IslandPlymouth Sound[25]

----- 160 Bty at Drake's Island; moved to Mount Batten, Plymouth Sound, 10 April 1942; to Newhaven, East Sussex 

------161 Bty at Western Kings Redoubt, Plymouth[26]

---- 567 (Devon) Coast Regiment, RA

---- 568 (Devon) Coast Regiment, RA


- Southern Area [Headquarters, Peninsula Barracks,]

-- The Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own) Depot, Peninsula Barracks, 5th Battalion (The Queen's Own Regt of Tower Hamlets Militia) [1881-1953], 6th Battalion (The King's Own Light Infantry Regt of Militia ) [1881-1953], 7th Battalion (The King's Own Light Infantry Regt of Militia ) [1881-1953] , 30th Battalion [1942-1943] , 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943],  2nd Motor Training Battalion [1939-1944]

-- The King's Royal Rifle Corps Depot, Peninsula Barracks, 5th Battalion (Huntingdonshire Rifles) [1881-1953],  6th Battalion [1908-1953], 10th Battalion (The Rangers) [1941-1945] , 30th Battalion [1941-1943] 7th Battalion (Queen Victoria's Rifles), The King's Royal Rifle Corps,

-- 7th Anti-Aircraft Depot, Royal ArtilleryLe Marchant Barracks

-- 9th Anti-Aircraft Depot, Royal ArtilleryBlandford Camp

-- 19th Searchlight Depot, Royal ArtilleryLe Marchant Barracks

-- 21st Searchlight Depot, Royal ArtilleryBlandford Camp


- Royal Artillery ( 63rd (Midland) Medium Regiment,   59th (4th West Lancashire) Medium Regiment


- 306th Infantry Brigade (formed on 22 January 1945 by the conversion of Headquarters 55th Light AA Bde, which was part of 2 Anti-Aircraft Group. It was commanded by Brigadier W.R. Harvey and comprised the following Territorial Army RA units: 623rd Infantry Regiment, Royal Artillery formed by 67th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA).[7][8] (to 307th Infantry Brigade 11 March 1945)

628th Infantry Regiment, Royal Artillery formed by 128th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RA (previously 87th Searchlight Regiment RA (TA)). 636th (Hampshire) Infantry Regiment, Royal Artillery formed by 48th (Hampshire) Searchlight Regiment RA (TA), itself originally Hampshire Fortress Engineers, RE

601st (West Riding Regiment) Infantry Regiment Royal Artillery formed by the 49th (West Yorkshire Regiment) Garrison Regiment RA (previously the 49th (West Yorkshire Regiment) Searchlight Regiment RA (TA), itself formed by 6th BattalionWest Yorkshire Regiment in 1937).

608th Infantry Regiment Royal Artillery formed by 67th (Welch Regiment) Garrison Regiment RA (previously 67th (Welch Regiment) Searchlight Regiment RA (TA), itself formed from 6th (Glamorgan) Battalion. Welch Regiment in 1938). 612th Infantry Regiment Royal Artillery formed by the 61st (South Lancashire Regiment) Garrison Regiment RA (itself formed from the 61st (South Lancashire Regiment) Searchlight Regiment RA (TA), previously 5th BattalionSouth Lancashire Regiment). В АИ создается осеню 1942 года переводом взрослых солдат из зенитной и береговой артилерии которих заменьяют подростками)


- 307th Infantry Brigade (22 January 1945 by conversion of the 59 AA Bde's headquarters within 2 Anti-Aircraft Group. The brigade had previously formed part of the Orkney and Shetland Defences (OSDEF) of Anti-Aircraft Command. 625th Infantry Regiment Royal Artillery – formed from the 95th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA). 626th Infantry Regiment, Royal Artillery – formed from the 97th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA).   631st (Kent) Infantry Regiment, Royal Artillery – formed from the 29th (Kent) Searchlight Regiment RA (TA). 623rd Infantry Regiment, Royal Artillery – formed from the 67th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA). (Transferred from 306th Infantry Brigade on 10 March 1945.) В АИ создается осеню 1942 года переводом взрослых солдат из зенитной и береговой артилерии которих заменьяют подростками)


VIII Corps (Lieutenant-General Arthur Grassett, Jan–Jul 1943 Lieutenant-General Herbert Lumsden)

-- Royal Artillery (91st Anti-Tank Regiment


- Гвардейская бронетанковая дивизия (Major-General Allan Adair – формируется в Англии (на 1942 год ещо небоеготова полностю (6th Guards Armoured Brigade переброшена под Аден))

-- Divisional Headquarters (Battalion).

--  Guards Armoured Division Signals, Royal Corps of Signals

-- 2nd Household Cavalry Regiment (Armoured Reconnaissance), 15/9/41–27/2/43   2nd Battalion, Welsh Guards (Armoured Reconnaissance), 13/4/43–11/6/45

-- 1st Independent Machine Gun Company 24/03/44-11/06/45

-- Royal Artillery (55th (Wessex) Field Regiment, 153rd (Leicestershire Yeomanry) Field Regiment,

21st Anti-Tank Regiment,  94th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment,

-- Royal Engineers (14 Field Squadron,  15 Field Squadron,  –28/2/43, 615 Field Squadron,  148 Field Park Squadron,  11 Bridging Troop  1/10/43–11/6/45)

-- 5th Guards Armoured Brigade (2nd Armoured Battalion Grenadier Guards, 1st Armoured Battalion Coldstream Guards, 2nd Armoured Battalion Irish Guards, 1st Motor Battalion Grenadier Guards)

-- 32nd Guards Infantry Brigade (5th Battalion, Coldstream Guards, 4th Battalion, Scots Guards,

1st Battalion, Welsh Guards, 3rd Battalion, Irish Guards, 5/9/43–21/2/45, 32nd Guards Infantry Brigade Support Group (Northumberland Fusiliers), 18/9/43–12/3/44)


- 47-я (Лондонская) пехотная дивизия (Major-General Gerald Templer, 14 September 1942 Major-General Alfred Eryk Robinson)

-- Штаб со службами.

- 47th (London) Divisional Signals, Royal Corps of Signals

- 47th Independent Squadron, Reconnaissance Corps

- 2nd Battalion Queen Victoria's Rifles (The King's Royal Rifle Corps) MG,

- Royal Artillery (5th Field Regiment (Lost 2/42 Malaya, Reformed UK 6/43), 117th (7th London) Field Regiment, 75th Field Regiment (By August 1942 75th (H) Fd Rgt was serving as the Depot Regiment at the School of Artillery at Larkhill in Southern Command, with its own Light Aid Detachment (LAD) of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) and its own Signal Section of the Royal Corps of Signals. It left this role in January January 1943, and from 1 February to 10 April it was part of 47th (London) Infantry Division, a home defence formation serving in Hampshire and Dorset District. N Africa 1943 - 1 AGRA  To 75 Hy Regt 10/43), 62nd Anti-Tank Regiment, 147th (Glasgow) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment (from 18 October 1943)

- Royal Engineers (222nd (2nd London) Field Company, 502nd Field Company)

- 25th Infantry Brigade (2nd Battalion, Essex Regiment, 9th Battalion King's Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster), 19th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers (until 24 September 1942), 11th Battalion, York and Lancaster Regiment (from 24 September, until 16 December 1942), 30th Battalion, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (from 10 September, until 26 September 1942), 6th Battalion, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (from 27 September, left 13 December 1942))

- 140th (4th London) Brigade (11th Battalion The Royal Fusiliers, 12th Bn Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) (to 211th Brigade 16 September 1943), 6th Bn Royal Irish Fusiliers)

- 141st (5th London) Brigade (2nd Battalion The London Scottish (The Gordon Highlanders), 16th Bn Royal Fusiliers (disbanded 18 September 1942), 17th Bn Royal Fusiliers, 30th Bn Black Watch (joined 18 September 1942; became 8th Black Watch 27 September 1942; disbanded 14 September 1943)) The brigade was disbanded on 27 October 1944.


- 48-я (South Midland) пехотная дивизия. (Major-General Hayman Hayman-Joyce)

-- Штаб со службами.

-- 48th Divisional Signals, Royal Corps of Signals

-- 48th Independent Platoon, Reconnaissance Corps

-- Royal Artillery (67th (South Midland) Field Regiment, 173rd Field Regiment, 96th Anti-tank Regiment, + 101st Light Anti-Aircraft Regt.

-- Royal Engineers (224th (South Midland) Field Company, 225th (South Midland) Field Company, 226th (South Midland) Field Company, 227th (South Midland) Field Park Company)

-- 143rd Infantry Brigade (1/7th Bn. The Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 8th Bn. The Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 8th Battalion, Suffolk Regiment,+  11th Battalion, Green Howards (from 13 September 1942))

-- 144th Infantry Brigade (7th Battalion, Royal Ulster Rifles (from 27 September 1942), 8th Bn. The Worcestershire Regiment, 11th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment + 31st Battalion, Royal Ulster Rifles (19-27 September 1942))

-- 145th Infantry Brigade (4th Bn. The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 1st Bn. Buckinghamshire Battalion, The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 2nd Battalion, Gloucestershire Regiment)

-- + 10th Tank Brigade (108th Regiment Royal Armoured Corps (Cruiser Mk ICruiser Mk IICruiser Mk IIaCruiser Mk IIICruiser Mk IV, Covenanters, Valentine and Churchill tanks), 109th Regiment Royal Armoured Corps (Churchill and Valentine infantry tanks), 143rd Regiment Royal Armoured Corps (Churchill infantry tanks, some Covenanter cruiser tanks )) (учебная бригада эх 10th Armoured Brigade из 42nd Armoured Division)


Regtal Dists closed, and Infantry Training Centres formed at command level:


- No. 14 Infantry Training Centre (at Dorchester)

-- Devonshire Regiment Depot, Wyvern Barracks (3rd Battalion [1908-1953], 11th Battalion [1940-1943], 12th Battalion [1940-1946 In June 1943, due to the huge expansion of the British Army's airborne forces, the battalion was transferred to the 6th Airlanding Brigade] 30th Battalion [1941-1945])

-- Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry  Depot, Victoria Barracks (3rd Battalion (The Duke of Cornwall's Rangers) [1881-1953], 4th Battalion [1939-1947]???,)

 -- Dorsetshire Regiment Depot, The Keep, Dorchester (3rd Battalion (Dorset Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 9th Battalion [1942-1946])),


- No. 15 Infantry Training Centre (at Gloucester)

-- Somerset Light Infantry Depot, Jellalabad Barracks (3rd Battalion (1st Somerset Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 9th Battalion [1940-1944])

-- Gloucestershire Regiment  Depot, Horfield Barracks (3rd Battalion (Royal South Gloucestershire Light Infantry) [1881-1953] 9th (Garrison) Battalion [1940-1943] 10th Battalion [1940-1942, 1943-1945])

-- Wiltshire Regiment  Depot, Le Marchant Barracks (3rd Battalion (Royal Wiltshire Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953] 30th Battalion [1941-1943])),


- No. 16 Infantry Training Centre (at Oxford)

-- Royal Hampshire Regiment Depot, Peninsula Barracks (3rd Battalion (Hampshire Militia) [1881-1953] 30th Battalion [1941-1943] 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943])

-- Oxford & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry  Depot, Bullingdon Barracks (3rd Battalion [1908-1953] 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943])),


- No. 17 Infantry Training Centre (at Reading)

-- Royal Sussex Regiment Depot, The Barracks, Chichester (3rd Battalion (Sussex Light Infantry Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953] 6th Battalion [1939-1946], 30th Battalion [1941-1943]),  

-- Royal Berkshire Regiment  Depot, Brock Barracks (3rd Battalion (Royal Berkshire Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953] 30th Battalion [1941-1945] 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion [1940-1943] No. 1 Independent Company [193-1944?])),


South-Eastern Command (Headquarters, , Aldershot Garrison) (Lt-Gen. Sir John George des Reaux Swayne).

- South-Eastern Command Signals, Royal Corps of SignalsAldershot

- Mechanised Experimental Establishment, Royal Armoured Corps, Gibraltar Barracks

- 5th Anti-Aircraft Depot, Royal ArtilleryArborfield Garrison

- 6th Anti-Aircraft Depot, Royal ArtilleryArborfield Garrison

- Royal Engineers Regimental Headquarters & Maintenance Depot, Aldershot


- Royal Artillery (1st Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery


- Chatham Area [Headquarters, Chatham Area, Kitchener Barracks]

-- Training Battalion, Royal EngineersRoyal School of Military Engineering

-- Depot Battalion, Royal EngineersRoyal School of Military Engineering


- Home Counties Area  [Headquarters, Woolwich Station]

-- Royal Artillery Depot, Royal Artillery Barracks, Woolwich

-- Kent and Sussex Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery (TA), Dover

--- 519th (Kent and Sussex) Coast Regiment at Dover

---- Western CB Fire Command

---- Lydden Spout Battery: 3 x 6-inch guns installed May 1941

---- Hougham Battery: 3 x 8-inch guns installed September 1942

---- Capel: 3 x 8-inch guns installed May 1942

--- 520th (Kent and Sussex) Coast Regiment at Dover Citadel

---- Harbour Fire Command

---- Langdon Battery: 2 x 6-inch guns prewar; 1 gun added September 1940

---- Dover Turret: 2 x 6-inch prewar

---- Breakwater: 2 x 6-inch and 2 x 9.2-inch prewar; 1 twin 6-pounder added May 1940

---- Dover Western Heights: 2 x 6-inch installed September 1940

---- Eastern Arm: 2 x twin 6-pounder installed September 1939

---- Pier Extension: 2 x 12-pounder guns prewar; 1 gun added February 1940

---- Knuckle: 2 x 4-inch installed August 1940

--- 521st (Kent and Sussex) Coast Regiment at Newhaven, East Sussex

---- Eastern CB Fire Command

---- Wanstone Battery: 4 x 5.5-inch guns installed September 1940; 2 x 15-inch guns installed September 1942

---- Newhaven Fort had 4 x 6-inch and 2 x 12-pounder guns.

--- Three BL 6-inch (152 mm) Mk VII guns with a range of 25,000 yd (23,000 m), at Fan Bay Battery

--- Four BL 9.2-inch (234 mm) Mks IX–X guns with a range of 31,000 yd (28,000 m) at South Foreland Battery

--- Also, three BL 13.5-inch (343 mm) Mk V naval guns from the First World War (named GladiatorScene Shifter and Piece Maker [sic]) were brought out of retirement in 1939 and mounted on railway chassis.


XII Corps (Lieutenant-General Montagu Stopford)

45-я пехотная дивизия (Major-General Harold de Riemer Morgan) (It was placed on a lower establishment on 1 December 1941, and finally disbanded on 30 August 1944. The division did not see active service during the war.)

-- Штаб со службами.

- 45th (West Country) Divisional SignalsRoyal Corps of Signals

- 45th Independent Reconnaissance Squadron

- Royal Artillery (96th (Royal Devon Yeomanry) Field Regiment,  171st Field Regiment, 90th  Anti-Tank Regiment)

- Royal Engineers (205th (Wessex) Field Company,  259th Field Company,  )

- 134th Infantry Brigade [6th battalion The Devonshire Regiment, 8th battalion The Devonshire Regiment, 9th Battalion, Devonshire Regiment,  9th Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment (from 7 October 1942)]

- 135th Infantry Brigade [5th battalion The Somerset Light Infantry, 6th battalion The Somerset Light Infantry, 7th battalion The Somerset Light Infantry (until 11 September 1942), 7th Battalion, Wiltshire Regiment (Duke of Edinburgh's) (from 12 September 1942)]

- 136th Infantry Brigade [4th battalion The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry,  7th Battalion, Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment, 12th Battalion, Hampshire Regiment]


219th Independent Infantry Brigade (disbanded on 11 December 1942, its battalions being converted into Medium Regiments of the Royal Artillery) (16th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers (18 September – 1 December 1942), converted that year into the 10th Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery, 9th Battalion, Essex Regiment (18 November 1941 – 30 November 1942), converted that year into the 8th Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery, 8th Battalion, Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) (29 September – 30 November 1941), converted that year into the 9th Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery)


206th Independent Infantry Brigade (Brigadier L. Tremellen) (2/4th Battalion, South Lancashire Regiment (– 25 May 1943), 9th Battalion, King's Regiment (Liverpool) (– 12 April 1943), 9th Battalion, Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) (– 1 October 1943))


- No. 12 Infantry Training Centre (at Canterbury)

-- Royal East Kent Regiment (Buffs) Depot, Canterbury Barracks (3rd Battalion (East Kent Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 9th Battalion [1940-1946], 10th Battalion [1940-1943], 30th Battalion [1941-1943], 70th (Young Soldiers) Battalion [1940-1943]),

-- East Surrey Regiment  Depot, The Barracks, Kingston upon Thames (3rd Battalion (1st Royal Surrey Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 4th Battalion (3rd Royal Surrey Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 9th Battalion [1940-1943 sent to Northern Ireland, initially guarding the naval base at Londonderry and new bomber airfield at Limavady.])),


- No. 13 Infantry Training Centre (at Maidstone)

-- Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment  Depot, Stoughton Barracks (3rd Battalion (2nd Royal Surrey Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 15th Battalion [1940-1943], 30th Battalion [1943-1945],  31st Battalion [1941-1946], No. 1 Independent Company [1940-1943] No. 2 Independent Company [1940-1943]  71st Independent Company [1943-1945])

-- Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment Depot, Maidstone Barracks (3rd Battalion (West Kent Regiment of Militia) [1881-1953], 30th Battalion [1941-1943])),

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Атлантический регион (Британская империя).


- Falklands

-- Falkland Islands Defence ForcePort Stanley

- Saint Helena

-- Saint Helena Rifles

- Bermuda

-- Bermuda Volunteer Rifle Corps

--- Bermuda Volunteer Engineers (attached)

-- Bermuda Militia

-- Bermuda Militia Artillery

-- Bermuda Detachment, Royal Engineers

'B' Force 

-- Special Infantry Company (Pictou Highlanders) was mobilized on September 10, 1942 for service in Bermuda from November 12, 1942 to April 1, 1946.


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Карибский регион (Британская империя).

- Barbados

-- Barbados Volunteer Force

- Jamaica

-- The Jamaica Infantry Volunteers (mobilised The Jamaica Battalion, North Caribbean Force)

-- Jamaica Signal Section, Royal Corps of Signals

-- 2nd Heavy Battery, Royal Artillery, defending Kingston and Port Royal (cadre)

-- Jamaica Militia Artillery, defending Kingston and Port Royal

-- 44th Fortress Company, Royal Engineers

-- Jamaica Engineer Corps

- Leeward Islands

-- Antigua Defence Force, Antigua

-- Dominica Defence Force, Dominica

-- Montserrat Defence ForceMontserrat

-- Saint Kitts and Nevis Defence ForceBasseterre

- Trinidad and Tobago

-- Trinidad Light Horse

-- Trinidad Light Infantry

-- Trinidad Volunteer Reserve of Europeans

-- Trinidad Volunteer Artillery,

- Windward Islands

-- Grenada Volunteer Corps, Grenada

-- Saint Lucia Volunteer Corps, Saint Lucia

-- Saint Vincent Volunteer Corps, Saint Vincent


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Южноамериканский регион (Британская империя).

- British Guiana

-- British Guiana Militia

-- British Guiana Militia Artillery (defending Georgetown)

- British Hondouras (today known as Belize)

-- British Honduras Defense Force


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о.Зеленого Мыса,


3-я канадская пехотная дивизия (Major General Rod Keller).

-- Штаб со службами.

- 3rd Canadian Divisional Signals, R.C. Sigs

- No. 3 Defence and Employment Platoon (Lorne Scots)

- 7th Reconnaissance Regiment (17th Duke of York's Royal Canadian Hussars)

- 1st Battalion, The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa (Machine Gun)

- Royal Canadian Artillery: 12th Field Artillery Regiment (11th (Hamilton), 16th, 43rd Field Batterys),  13th Field Artillery Regiment (22nd, 78th, 44th Field Batterys),  14th Field Artillery Regiment (34th, 66th, 81st Field Batterys),  3rd Anti-Tank Regiment (4th, 52nd,  94th, 105th Anti-Tank Batterys),  4th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment (100th, 32nd, 69th Light AA Btys),

- Royal Canadian Engineers: 6th Field Company,  16th Field Company,  18th Field Company,  3rd Canadian Field Park Company,  3rd Canadian Divisional Bridge Platoon

- 7th Canadian Infantry Brigade (1st Bn, The Royal Winnipeg Rifles, 1st Bn, The Regina Rifle Regiment, 1st Bn, The Canadian Scottish Regiment, 7th Infantry Brigade Ground Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots))

- 8th Canadian Infantry Brigade (1st Bn, The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, 1st Bn, Le Régiment de la Chaudière, 1st Bn, The North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment, 8th Infantry Brigade Ground Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots))

- 9th Canadian Infantry Brigade (1st Bn, The Highland Light Infantry of Canada, 1st Bn, The Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders, 1st Bn, The North Nova Scotia Highlanders, 9th Infantry Brigade Ground Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots))


Португальская армия (будут)


 о. Мадейра,

72nd Independent Infantry BrigadeРИ In 1943, the Brigade HQ was re-designated the 5th Parachute Brigade) (4th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment, 11th Battalion, Devonshire Regiment, 9th Battalion, Somerset Light Infantry). 


Португальская армия (будут)


 Азорские острова.


37th Independent Infantry Brigade (Brigadier B.B. Rackham) (6th Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment, 2/6th Battalion, East Surrey Regiment (from 26 October 1939), 2nd Battalion, South Wales Borderers (from 8 December 1941))


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1-я Канадская армия (Lieutenant-General Andrew McNaughton).

- Headquarters First Canadian Army

- First Army Signals, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals (RCCS)

- Headquarters First Canadian Army, Defence Company (Lorne Scots)

- No. 1 Canadian Base Depot, CASF (The Lorne Scots) (It was stationed in Liverpool, England for the convenience of disembarkation and embarkation of Canadian soldiers. В АИ передислоцированн в Лисабон)

- 25th Armoured Regiment (The Elgin Regiment) (учебный и поставка танков в части)

- Royal Canadian Artillery

-- 1st Canadian Anti-Aircraft Brigade

--- 2nd Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment (Mobile) (1st, 8th and 11th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Batteries)

(во время нахоэждения в Англии придавались легкие зенитные полки из состава дивизий)

- + - 7th Light AA Regiment, RCA (67th, 42nd, 57th Light AntiAircraft Batteries)

- + - 11th Light AA Regiment, RCA (4th, 53rd, 62nd Lt AA Btys) - Raised 6 March 1943 in the UK as Army Troops

- HQ Royal Canadian Engineers, 1st Canadian Army Troops

-- 1st, 2nd, 3rd (raised from 19th Field Company), 4th Battalions, RCE, 1st Mechanical Equipment Company, 1st, 2nd Road Construction Companies

-- First Canadian Army Troops Engineers (10th Field Park Company, 5th Field Company, 20th Field Company & 23rd Field Companie

-- Second Canadian Army Troops Engineers (11th Field Park Company, 32nd, 33rd & 34th Field Companies

-- 3rd Field (Reproduction) Company


I Canadian Corps (эх 7th (British) Corps) (Lieutenant-General Harry Crerar),

- Headquarters I Canadian Corps

- I Canadian Corps Signals, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

- I Corps Defence Company, Lorne Scots
- 1st Armoured Car Regiment (The Royal Canadian Dragoons)
- 1st Battalion, The Royal Montreal Regiment
 (Machine Gun)

- 7th Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery  (15th, 111th (Nelson), 113th, 104th A-T Btys)

- 1st Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RCA (35th, 89th, 109th LAA Batteries)

- Royal Canadian Artillery (Attached First Canadian Army Troops)

--  No. 1 Army Group Royal Canadian Artillery.(1st Cdn AGRA), 1st Medium Regiment (2nd Medium Battery, 3rd Medium Battery,), 2nd Medium Regiments (25th, 18th Medium Batteries - Formed from 18th Field Regiment), 5th Medium Regiment (7th, 23rd Medium Batteries- eight 5.5 inch guns), 11th Army Field Regiment. ( 9th (Toronto), 29th and 40th Field Batteries), 56th Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery (P, Q, R and S batteries (16 x 7.2-inch howitzers), under command X and Y Super Heavy Batteries (2*two 9.2in railway guns))

- Royal Canadian Engineers: HQ RCE, I Canadian Corps Troops,  12th Field Company, 13th Field Company, 14th Field Company, 9th Field Park Company, 1st Drilling Company,


1-я канадская пехотная дивизия (Major-General Harry Salmon).

- Division Headquarters

- 1st Canadian Infantry Division Defence and Employment Platoon (Lorne Scots)

- 1st Canadian Divisional Signals, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

- 4th Reconnaissance Regiment (4th Princess Louise Dragoon Guards)

- The Saskatoon Light Infantry (M.G.) – Machine gun battalion

- Royal Canadian Artillery: 1st Field Regiment, R.C.H.A. ("A" , "B" , "C" Batterys RCHA), 2nd Field Regiment (7th , 8th , 10th (St. Catharines) Field Batterys), 3rd Field Regiment (19th , 77th , 92nd Field Batterys),  1st Anti-Tank Regiment (27th , 51st , 57th , 90th Anti-Tank Batterys), 2nd Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment (2nd (Yorkton) Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, 5th Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, 54th Light Anti-Aircraft Battery)

- Royal Canadian Engineers: (1st Canadian Field Company, 3rd Canadian Field Company, 4th Canadian Field Company, 2nd Canadian Field Park Company, 1st Canadian Bridging Platoon)

- 1st Canadian Infantry Brigade: (The Royal Canadian Regiment, 1st Battalion  The Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment, 48th Highlanders of Canada, 1st Canadian Infantry Brigade Ground Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots))

- 2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade: (Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, 1st Battalion  The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, 1st Battalion  The Loyal Edmonton Regiment, 2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade Ground Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots))

- 3rd Canadian Infantry Brigade: (Royal 22e Régiment, The Carleton and York Regiment, 1st Battalion The West Nova Scotia Regiment, 3rd Canadian Infantry Brigade Ground Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots))


5-я канадская бронетанковая дивизия (эх 1st Canadian Armoured Division) (Major-General E.W. Sansom, Jan 1943 to Oct 1943 Major-General C.R.S. Stein).arriving in the United Kingdom at the end of November 1941.

- Headquarters Squadron (6th Duke of Connaught's Royal Canadian Hussars)

- 5th Canadian Armoured Divisional Signals, RCSigs

- 3rd Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment (The Governor General's Horse Guards)

- Royal Canadian Artillery:

-- 17th Field Regiment (37th, 60th, 76th Field Batteries)

-- 8th Field Regiment (Self-Propelled) (45th Field Battery (Self Propelled), 61st Field Battery (Self Propelled),

107th Field Battery (Self Propelled) + 71st Field Battery (Self-Propelled))

-- 4th Anti-tank Regiment (16th (1 January 1943), 98th, 24th, 82nd A-T Batteries)

-- 5th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment (41st, 47th, 88th LAA Batteries)

- Royal Canadian Engineers: 1st Field Squadron,  10th Field Squadron, 4th Field Park Squadron, 5th Canadian Armoured Division Bridge Troop

- 5th Canadian Armoured Brigade (эх 1st Canadian Armoured Brigade) [2nd Armoured Regiment (Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians)), 5th Armoured Regiment (8th Princess Louise's (New Brunswick) Hussars), 9th Armoured Regiment (The British Columbia Dragoons), 1st Battalion, The Westminster Regiment (Motor)]  

- 11th Canadian Infantry Brigade  [1st Battalion, The Perth Regiment, 1st Battalion, The Cape Breton Highlanders, 1st Battalion, The Irish Regiment of Canada, 11th Canadian Infantry Brigade Support Group (The Princess Louise Fusiliers), 11th Infantry Brigade Ground Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots)]


 1st Canadian Tank Brigade (Brigadier Robert Andrew Wyman) - I Corps (Churchill tanks  по  43 Черчилля ранних серий на полк и в начале марта 1943 года части 1-й бригады начали обменивать Черчилли на танки Ram в качестве прелюдии к переоснащение танком M4 "Sherman".);

(HQ Squadron (The New Brunswick Regiment), 11th Army Tank Regiment (The Ontario Regiment),12th Army Tank Regiment (Three Rivers Regiment), 14th Army Tank Regiment (The Calgary Regiment [Tank]), 1st Canadian Tank Brigade Signals (RCCS) )


2nd Canadian Corps (Lieutenant-General Ernest William Sansom (January 15, 1943 to January 29, 1944)) (H.Q. 2 Cdn Corps would be organized on an establishment which is to be provided for the purpose to be completed about 1 Jul 42. The main difficulty here was the shortage of trained staff officers. Headquarters 2nd Canadian Corps was not actually set up until 14 January 1943, some six months later than originally planned.)

Corps Troops:

- Headquarters 2nd Canadian Corps

- II Canadian Corps Headquarters Signals, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

- 2nd Corps Defence Company (The Prince Edward Island Light Horse)

- 18th Armoured Car Regiment (12th Manitoba Dragoons)

- Royal Canadian Artillery:

-- 6th Light AA Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery (30th, 1st (Yorkton), 112th LAA Batteries)

-- 6th Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery (33rd, 56th, 74th, 103rd Anti-Tank Batterys) (6-я канадская пехотная дивизия)

- Royal Canadian Artillery (Attached First Canadian Army Troops)

-- No. 2 Army Group Royal Canadian Artillery (2nd Cdn AGRA) (19th Field Regiment (55th, 63rd, 99th Fd Btys) (6-я канадская пехотная дивизия), 3rd Medium Regiment (5th and 87th Medium Batteries), 4th Medium Regiment (58th and 50th Medium Batteries), 7th Medium Regiment (12th and 55th Medium Batteries),

- Royal Canadian Engineers: HQ RCE, II Canadian Corps Troops, 29th Field Company, 30th Field Company, 31st Field Company, 8th Field Park Company, 2nd Drilling Company,


2-я канадская пехотная дивизия (Major-General John Roberts).

- Division Headquarters

- 2nd Infantry Divisional Signals, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

- 8th Reconnaissance Regiment (14th Canadian Hussars)

- The Toronto Scottish Regiment (Machine Gun)

- Royal Canadian Artillery: 4th Field Regiment (2nd (Ottawa), 14th (Midland), 26th (Lambton) Field Batterys),  5th Field Regiment (5th (Westmount), 28th (Newcastle), 73rd Field Batterys),  6th Field Regiment (13th (Winnipeg), 21st, 91st Field Batterys),  2nd Anti-Tank Regiment (18th , 20th , 108th, Anti-Tank Batterys),  3rd Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment (16th,            17th , 38th Light Anti-Aircraft Batterys)

- Royal Canadian Engineers:1st (Lambton) Field Park Company, 2nd Field Company, 7th Field Company, 11th (Lambton) Field Company, One bridge platoon

- 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade (Ontario) (1st Battalion The Royal Regiment of Canada, The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry (Wentworth Regiment), The Essex Scottish Regiment, 4th Infantry Brigade Ground Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots))

- 5th Canadian Infantry Brigade (Quebec) (1st Battalion The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada, Le Régiment de Maisonneuve,  The Calgary Highlanders, 5th Infantry Brigade Ground Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots))

- 6th Canadian Infantry Brigade (The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada, The South Saskatchewan Regiment, 1st Battalion Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal, 6th Infantry Brigade Ground Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots))


4-я канадская бронетанковая дивизия (эх 4th Canadian Infantry Division) (Major General F.F. Worthington) (на обучение). The division proceeded overseas in 1942, with its two main convoys reaching the United Kingdom in August and October.

- 4th Canadian Armoured Divisional Signals, R.C. Sigs

- No. 4 Defence and Employment Platoon (Lorne Scots)

- 29th Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment (The South Alberta Regiment)

- Royal Canadian Artillery:

-- 15th Field Regiment (95th Field Battery, 110th Field Battery, 17th Field Battery)

-- 23rd Field Regiment (Self Propelled) (31st Field Battery (Self Propelled), 36th Field Battery (Self Propelled), 83rd Field Battery (Self Propelled))

-- 5th Anti-tank Regiment (3rd, 14th,  96th,   65th Anti-Tank Batterys)

-- 8th Light Anti-aircraft Regiment (эх 16th Field Regiment) (70th Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, 102nd Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, 101st Light Anti-Aircraft Battery)

- Royal Canadian Engineers: Headquarters 4th Divisional Engineers, 8th Field Squadron, 9th Field Squadron, 6th Field Park Squadron, 4th Canadian Armoured Division Bridge Troop, No. 46 Light Aid Detachment, RCEME

-  4th Canadian Armoured Brigade (эх 12th Infantry Brigade) (21st Armoured Regiment (The Governor General's Foot Guards), 22nd Armoured Regiment (The Canadian Grenadier Guards), 28th Armoured Regiment (The British Columbia Regiment), The Lake Superior Regiment (Motor))

- 10th Canadian Infantry Brigade (The Lincoln and Welland Regiment (из Newfoundland), The Algonquin Regiment, 1st Bn, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise's) (из Ямайки), 10th Canadian Infantry Brigade Support Group (1st Battalion, The New Brunswick Rangers), 10 Canadian Infantry Brigade Ground Defence Platoon (Lorne Scots))


2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade  (Brigadier N.A. Gianelli) (Ram II tanks)

(20th Army Tank Regiment (16/22 Saskatchewan Horse)), 23rd Army Tank Regiment (The Halifax Rifles), and the 26th Army Tank Regiment (The Grey and Simcoe Foresters).


3rd Canadian Army Tank Brigade (Brigadier T.J. Rutherford ?) (эх 3rd Canadian Armoured Brigade эх 10th Infantry Brigade) (Ram II tanks).

(6th Armoured Regiment (1st Hussars), 10th Armoured Regiment (The Fort Garry Horse), 27th Armoured Regiment (The Sherbrooke Fusilier Regiment),




Португальская армия (будут)

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- Headquarters, British Troops on Gibraltar commanded by the Governor of Gibraltar Sir Noel Mason-Macfarlane

- Gibraltar Signal Section, Royal Corps of Signals

- Gibraltar Defence Force

- Gibraltar Royal Artillery: HQ Gibraltar RA, South Gibraltar, 3rd Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery (coastal defence), 19th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery, Artillery

- Gibraltar Royal Engineers:HQ Gibraltar RE, 1st Fortress Company, 32nd Fortress Company

-  1st Gibraltar Brigade (2nd Battalion, King's Regiment (Liverpool)  4th Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment), Independent Company)

- 2nd Gibraltar Brigade (2nd Battalion, Somerset Light Infantry, 4th Battalion, Devonshire Regiment, 7th Battalion, King's Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster))

- No. 9 Commando (500 men all ranks)

- 218th (1st London) Field Company, Royal Engineers

- 1st, 2nd (In Gibraltar) Tunneling Companies Royal Canadian Engineers

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Западноафриканский фронт.


(Gambia Regiment (HQ BathurstThe Gambia), 7th (West Africa) Infantry Brigade (Гамбия, 1st Battalion Gambia Regiment, 2nd Battalion Gambia Regiment, 4th Battalion Gold Coast Regiment, 7th (West Africa) Field Company, West African Engineers) - уничтожены французами при окупации Гамбии),


West Africa Command (Lieutenant General George Giffard) (HQ Accra)

 - Royal West African Frontier Force. (Inspectors General - Vacant – 1938–1945 (role filled by General Officer CommandingWest Africa Command)) (РИ набрало 200 000 солдат для союзников, защищаясь от возможной и РИ так и несостоявшийся агрессии Виши. Из за нехватки английских офицеров 273 польских офицера служили в британских войсках в Западной Африке во время войны. Польские офицеры были плохо подготовлены к командировке, и многие из них также не владели английским языком на должном уровне.)


British II Corps  (Lieutenant-General Gerald Templer)

- Штаб со службами.

- Royal Artillery (2nd Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery

- Royal Engineers (II Corps Troops, RE (II CTRE) (222 (2nd London) Army Field Company 234 (Northumbrian) Army Field Company  240 (Lowland) Army Field Company 108 (Essex) Corps Field Park Company)


- 15-я шотландская пехотная дивизия. (Major General D.C. Bullen-Smith) 

-- Штаб со службами.

-- 15th (Scottish) Divisional Signals Regiment, Royal Corps of Signals

-- 15th Reconnaissance Regiment, Reconnaissance Corps 

-- Royal Artillery (131st (Lowland – City of Glasgow) Field Regiment, 181st Field Regiment,  

190th Field Regiment, 97th Anti-Tank Regiment, 119th (Queen's Own) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery (from 18 May 1943))

-- Royal Engineers (278th Field Company,  279th Field Company, 280th Field Company, 281st Field Park Company, Royal Engineers)

-- 44th (Lowland) Infantry Brigade (8th Battalion, Royal Scots, 6th Battalion, King's Own Scottish Borderers,

7th Battalion, King's Own Scottish Borderers (left 5 October 1942), 11th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (from 14 October, left 27 December 1942), 6th Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers (from 28 December 1942))

-- 45th Infantry Brigade (left 5 January 1943) (6th Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers (left 27 December 1942), 9th Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) (left 27 December 1942), 10th Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles),

10th Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) (from 27 December 1942), 11th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (from 28 December 1942))

-- 46th (Highland) Infantry Brigade (2nd Battalion, Glasgow Highlanders, 7th Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders,  4th Battalion, Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders (left 16 November 1942), 10th Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) (from 19 November, left 27 December 1942), 9th Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) (from 28 December 1942))

- 51-я шотландская пехотная дивизия (Major-General Douglas N. Wimberley) (Дивизия разгромлена во Франции 1940 г. Восстановлена путем переименования 9-й Шотландской дивизии (территориальная второй очереди) в 51-ю Шотландскую пехотную дивизию. В 1942 году берет участие в оккупации островов Зеленого Мыса. С мая 1942 года в полном составе переброшена во Фритаун.)
-- Штаб со службами.

-- 51st (Highland) Divisional Signals Regiment, Royal Corps of Signals

-- 51st Battalion, Reconnaissance Corps (formed 8 January 1941, became 51st Regiment 6 June 1942, left 26 November 1942)

-- 1/7 th Bn Middlesex Regiment (MG Battalion)

-- Royal Artillery (126th (Highland) Field Regiment, 127th (Highland) Field Regiment, 128th (Highland) Field Regiment, 61st (West Highland) Anti-Tank Regiment, 40th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery)

-- Royal Engineers (274th Field Company, 275th Field Company, 276th Field Company, 239th Field Park Company)

-- 152nd Infantry Brigade (formerly 26th Infantry Brigade) (шотландские горцы 2 Bn Seaforth Highlanders, 5 Bn Seaforth Highlanders, 5 Bn Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders)

-- 153rd Infantry Brigade (formerly 27th Infantry Brigade) (шотландские горцы 5 Bn Black Watch, 1 Bn Gordon Highlanders, 5/7 Bn Gordon Highlanders)

-- 154th Infantry Brigade (formerly 28th Infantry Brigade) (шотландские горцы 1 Bn Black Watch, 7 Bn Black Watch, 7/10th  Bn Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders)


- 81-я Западноафриканская дивизия (Major General Christopher Woolner) (Сформирована генералом George Giffard – командующим британскими войсками в Западной Африке на базе Королевских западноафриканских пограничных войск. Участия в боевых действиях до 1942 года не принимала. Имела довольно большое количество белых в среднем звене командования – 50-60 на батальон и значительное число невооруженных носильщиков в качестве «транспорта».)

-- Штаб со службами.

-- 81st (West African) Divisional Signals

-- 11th (East Africa) Division Scouts

-- 81st West African Reconnaissance Regiment (1943),

-- 81st (West African) Infantry Division Transport Regiment (носильщики)

-- Дивизионная артиллерия (81st (West Africa) Infantry Division Regiment, 1st Light Anti-Aircraft/Anti-Tank Regiment WAA)

-- West African Engineers ( 8th Field Park Company)

-- 3rd (West African) Infantry Brigade Group [нигерийская, имеет боевой опыт 6th Bn. The Nigeria Regiment, 7th Bn. The Nigeria Regiment, 12th Bn. The Nigeria Regiment, Reconnaissance Squadron,  3rd (West Africa) Light Battery, West African Artillery, 3rd (West Africa) Field Company, West African Engineers]

-- 5th (West African) Infantry Brigade Group [Золотой Берег, новобранцы 5th Bn. The Gold Coast Regiment, 7th Bn. The Gold Coast Regiment, 8th Bn. The Gold Coast Regiment, Reconnaissance Squadron, 5th Light Battery West African Artillery, 5th Field Company West African Engineers]

-- 6th (West African) Infantry Brigade Group [Сьерра-Леоне, -  1st Battalion Sierra Leone Regiment, 2nd Battalion Sierra Leone Regiment, 4th Battalion Nigeria Regiment, Reconnaissance Squadron, 6 th (West Africa) Light Battery, West African Artillery, 6th (West Africa) Field Company, West African Engineers]


- 82-я Западноафриканская дивизия (Major General George McIlree Stanton Bruce)
Сформирована генералом
George Giffard – командующим британскими войсками в Западной Африке на базе 2-й Западноафриканской бригады. Участия в боевых действиях не принимала. Солдаты хорошо подготовлены к боевой работе в джунглях и горах. Имела значительное количество невооруженных носильщиков в качестве «транспорта».

-- Штаб со службами.

-- 82nd (West African) Divisional Signals

-- 82nd West African Reconnaissance Regiment (1943),

-- 82nd (West African) Infantry Division Transport Regiment (носильщики)

-- Дивизионная артиллерия (102 Light Regiment, West African Artillery (штаб), 42nd Mortar Regiment West African Artillery, 22nd Anti-Tank Regiment, West African Artillery

-- West African Engineers (9th Field Park Company, West African Engineers)

-- 1st (West Africa) Infantry Brigade (эх 23rd (Nigerian) Brigade) имеет боевой опыт [1st Battalion Nigeria Regiment, 2nd Battalion Nigeria Regiment, 3rd Battalion Nigeria Regiment, 1st (West Africa) Infantry Brigade Squadron, 1st Light Battery West African Artillery (эх 52nd (Nigeria) Light Battery West African Artillery); 1st Field Company West African Engineers (эх 51st (Nigeria) Field Company, West African Engineers).]

-- 2nd (West Africa) Infantry Brigade  (Brigadier Ernest Western) (эх 24th (Gold Coast) Brigade) [Золотой Берег, имеет боевой опыт 1st Battalion Gold Coast Regiment, 2nd Battalion Gold Coast Regiment, 3rd Battalion Gold Coast Regiment, Reconnaissance Squadron, 2nd Light Battery West African Artillery, 2nd Field Company, West African Engineers]

-- 4th (West Africa) Infantry Brigade [нигерийская, новобранцы - 5th Bn. The Nigeria Regiment, 9th Bn. The Nigeria Regiment, 10th Bn. The Nigeria Regiment, Reconnaissance Squadaron, 4th Light Battery West African Artillery), 4th Field Company, West African Engineers]


Сьерра-Леоне, крепость Фритаун.

- Sierra Leone Regiment (RHQ – Freetown)

-- 3rd Battalion Sierra Leone Regiment – Coast Defence/ area defence battalion for Freetown

- The Sierra Leone Heavy Battery, Royal Artillery: Freetown

- The Sierra Leone Signal Section, Royal Corps of Signals

- 39th Fortress Company, Royal Engineers  



- The Nigeria Regiment (RHQ, Kaduna)

-- Signals Company: Zaria

-- 8th Battalion Nigeria Regiment – Training battalion

-- 11th Battalion Nigeria Regiment

-- 13th Battalion Nigeria Regiment – Coast Defence battalion for Lagos.

-- 14th Battalion Nigeria Regiment

-- 1st Nigeria Light Artillery Battery: Zaria                                 

- The Lagos Defence Force (European Reserve Force): Lagos

- The Engineer Cadre (European Reserve Force): Lagos                          


- 1ere Brigade Coloniale «Force Publique» (Major-General Auguste-Édouard Gilliaert) (бельгийская 9000 солдат и  4000 носильщиков) (Nigeria 1/41-4/43)

-- HQ avec une compagnie de transmissions, une Cycliste, et des unités d’appuis, d’un groupe de Transport (Transport, Ordonnance Cos)

+ Chasseurs un escadron blindé (Armoured Sqn) (12x M3A1 White Scout Cars), 2x Motor Sqns (chacun avec un C37 gun), et un Sqn de dragons portés.

-- 1e Régiment d’infanterie (avec les l, 2 & 8e Bn d’infanterie)

-- 4e Régiment d’infanterie (3, 4 & 10e Bn d’infanterie)

-- Batterie d’artillerie (4x 7cm St Chamond pack sur mules (Saint Chamond 70 mm howitzer)) + 1xLAA Btrie de 4x 40mm+ 1xBtrie de 4xC75,

-- Artillerie d’Infanterie Co (12x 81 mm mortiers)

-- Une compagnie de Génie avec des éléments de pontonniers


Золотой Берег

- Gold Coast Regiment (RHQ – Kumasi или Accra)

-- Signal Section: Kumasi

-- 1 Section, Light Artillery: Accra

-- 6th Battalion Gold Coast Regiment – Training battalion

-- 9th Battalion Gold Coast Regiment – Coast Defence/ area defence battalion for Takoradi

- The Gold Coast Defence Force (European Reserve Force)

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Центральноафриканский фронт.


Французская Экваториальная Африка.


(Force "L" (Colonne Leclerc) (Bataillon de Marche n° 8 (Cameroun) и всякие туземные ирегульярии при этом  уничтожены, сам Леклерк убит, Régiment de tirailleurs sénégalais du Tchad (с формеруемими батальонами   Bataillon de Marche n° 12 (Tchad), Bataillon de Marche n° 15 (Tchad), Bataillon de Marche n° 16?) - уничтожен, при освобождение Чада).


 3e Brigade Française Libre Indépendante (туземцы, Камерун-Конго – востановлена после уничтожение в Палестине с другим составом) (colonel Magrin-Verneret)
(Bataillon de Marche n° 1 (Congo) (800 men in four Companies) (из состава войск Леклерка – остатки отступили из Чада и были пополнены), Bataillon de Marche n° 2 (Oubangui-Chari) (800 men in four Companies) (эвакуирован из Египта), Bataillon de Marche n° 3 (Tchad) (800 men in 4 Companies) (эвакуирован из Египта), 2e Groupe d'Artillerie Coloniale (3 Batteries each of 4x75mm) )




1er régiment de tirailleurs du Cameroun

- Bataillon de Marche n° 9 (Cameroun) (формеруются),

- Bataillon de Marche n° 13 (Cameroun) (формеруются),

- Bataillon de Marche n° 14 (Cameroun) (формеруются),


137th Infantry Brigade (Brigadier C. H. M. Peto) (2/5th Battalion, West Yorkshire Regiment 2/6th Battalion, Duke of Wellington's Regiment 2/7th Battalion, Duke of Wellington's Regiment) (РИ in July 1942 -  137th Armoured Brigade. В АИ из за больших потерь танков и дефицита пехоты это отменили и бригаду перебросили в Африку)


Французское Конго.


Bataillon de Marche n° 10 (Congo),


Bataillon de Marche des Antilles (BMA) (500 (в основном цветных)  добровольцев из французской Вестиндии, включают в своем составе 21st anti-aircraft group of the Antilles).


Бельгийское Конго.


Черезвичайно важная територия. Union Miniere в Катанге являются источником урана для «Манхэттенского проекта» США. Однако стратегический материал №1 из Бельгийского Конго не был ураном. В Европе, контролируемой странами Оси, были месторождения урана, хотя они и были небольшими. С другой стороны, у Оси Европа не было природных источников промышленных алмазов. В Бельгийском Конго таких было много. То есть с точки зрения оси, наиболее срочно необходимые товары, которые могла бы предоставить Конго, - это промышленные алмазы. Большая часть конголезских алмазов была добыта Forminière, дочерней компанией Société Générale de Belgique, которая, в свою очередь, входила в состав De Beers Diamond Syndicate. В 1940 году Синдикат сообщил, что Конго ежегодно добывает 10,9 миллиона каратов алмазов. Сразу после начала войны объемы добычи резко упали, и к 1942 году объем добычи официально упал до 5 миллионов каратов. По данным бельгийского правительства, к 1942 году весь объем производства промышленных алмазов колонией отправлялся в Соединенное Королевство на деле же  в РИ  многие промышленные алмазы контрабандным путем переправлялись в нацистскую Германию при содействие симпатизируюших нацистам или прпосто корумпированных бельгийских промышленников и чиновников.От туда во многом и официальный спад добычи. Фирмин ван Бри, директор Forminière, широко подозревался в поддержке немецких симпатий. Правительство Германии вело тайные переговоры с лидерами Forminière и Société Générale и достигло сделок, которые позволили им закупить большие количества алмазов до 1944 года. В 1943 году Германия заплатила Société Générale 10,5 миллиона долларов за алмазы. Американские и британские агенты в конечном итоге раскрыли широкую сеть контрабандистов, которая доставляла алмазы из Конго в оккупированную Германией Европу по воздуху и по морю. Предложения американцев по пресечению незаконной торговли были отклонены британским Министерством экономической войны, в алмазном комитете которого доминировали члены Алмазного синдиката De Beers (корупция неубиваема). После окончания войны бельгийское правительство потребовало, чтобы Германия выплатила 25 миллионов долларов, причитающихся Société Générale за 576 676 карат алмазов.Если там такая жесть творилась в РИ то можно лиш предпологать что имеют вместо в АИ. Кроме того там есть добыча меди, золота, каучука, палмового масла итд. В обшем в АИ немцы и французы готовят крупную операцию по захвату Конго с широким привлечением местной «пятой колоны».


«Force Publique» (бельгийские колониальные войска приблизительно если найду боле точно заменю) (2000 officiers et 34 350 soldats, 5000 volontaires de la garde territoriale et 8200 auxiliaires = porteurs) (Lt-Gen. Paul Ermens) https://weaponsandwarfare.com/2015/12/08/the-force-publique/




- QG (Léopoldville)

- Centre d’entraiment (CIE) depuis oct 1941 Luluabourg

- Ecole des gradés (ECGCD) Luluabourg, Dépôt central (DC) Léopoldville

- Ordonnance (DAARM) et transmissions Stanleyville

- Aviation militaire de la Force Publique equipped with requisitioned civilian machines and based at N'Dolo Airport in Leopoldville. (Stampe SV-4b (V-40 à 46), Airspeed AS.10 Oxford Mk.I (A-21 à 26),  de Havilland DH.85 Leopard Moth ...)


- Le Corps des volontaires européens (C.V.E.) (белое ополчение – на 1960 год было 3000 человек).


District du Nord est (défense de la frontière secteur Soudan-Uganda, РИ dissous en janvier 1942)

- 3e Brigade Coloniale (Congo (4/42) (5700 hommes et 4000 porteurs)

-- Groupe de Transport (Transport, Ordonnance),

-- 5e régiment d’Infanterie (5 & 11 Bn d’infanterie)

-- Une batterie d’artillerie de campagne (4x 7cm St Chamond pack sur mules)

-- Une compagnie d’artillerie d’infanterie (12x 81mm mortiers)

-- Une Compagnie de génie avec des éléments pontonniers


District sud (frontière avec la Rhodésie)

- 2e Brigade Coloniale (РИ создали в 1944 году)

-- Groupe de Transport (Transport, Ordonnance),

-- 2e Régiment d’infanterie (7 & 9Bn d’infanterie?)

-- Une batterie d’artillerie de campagne (4x 7cm St Chamond pack sur mules)

-- Une compagnie d’artillerie d’infanterie (12x 81mm mortiers)

-- Une Compagnie de génie avec des éléments pontonniers


- 1er Groupe de Service Territorial (QG Elisabethville) provinces du Katanga et de Kasaï  (12 & 14Bn d’infanterie)?


District ouest (Léopoldville, défense de la rivière et de l’estuaire et de la ligne ferroviaire Matadi-Léopoldville)

- 3e Régiment d’infanterie (6 & 13Bn d’infanterie?), la force de défense de l’estuaire (4 орудия береговой обороны), la compagnie de mortier, la compagnie du génie, 4x The Vickers QF 3.7″ heavy AA guns (Matadi)


- 2e Group de Service Territorial (QG Léopoldville) provinces de Léopoldville de l’Equateur (15& 18, Bn d’infanterie?)


District Ruanda Urundi

- 3e Groupe de Service Territorial (QG Stanleyville) provinces Orientale et Kivu. (16& 17 Bn d’infanterie ?)

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Южно-Африканский союз.

В ЮАС для англичан все плохо. Даже РИ там был провал с вербовкой и нехватка солдат. Мужчин просто не хватило. Из общей численности белого населения в 2 400 000 человек доступный пул мужчин в возрасте от 20 до 40 лет составлял около 320 000 человек. Объявление войны Германии получило поддержку лишь небольшого большинства в южноафриканском парламенте и было далеко не популярным. Было значительное меньшинство, активно выступавшее против войны, и в этих условиях призыв на военную службу никогда не был вариантом. Расширение армии и ее размещение за границей полностью зависело от добровольцев. Учитывая отношение страны к расе, неудивительно, что вербовка боевых отрядов из гораздо более многочисленного черного населения почти не рассматривалась. Вместо этого, в попытке высвободить как можно больше белых для боевых частей, был сформирован ряд корпусов для водителей и пионеров, набранных из более приемлемого населения цветных метысов и индийцев. В конечном итоге они были объединены в Капский корпус. Для выполнения пионерских и трудовых задач был сформирован местный военный корпус, укомплектованный чернокожими. Для выполнения некоторых своих задач люди были вооружены, в основном для самозащиты и охраны, но им никогда не разрешалось участвовать в реальных боях против европейцев. Набрали  211,000 белых, 77,000 черных и 46,000 цветных и азиатов.

В АИ поражение в Египте вобше обрушила попульярность войны. Даже в РИ в стране действовала бурское движение сопрпотивление  Ossewabrandwag. В структуру Оссевабрандваг входило военизированное формирование Stormjaers (охотники-штурмовики). Боевики совершали диверсии, взрывы на железных дорогах и линиях электропередач, нападали на военнослужащих. В ходе масових беспорядков, устроенных Оссевабрандваг в Йоханнесбурге 1 февраля 1941, были ранены 140 солдат. Правительство фельдмаршала Яна Смэтса преследовало Оссевабрандваг по законам военного времени как враждебную прогерманскую организацию. Многие члены организации были арестованы за диверсии и нацистскую пропаганду и брошены в концентрационные лагеря. В АИ попульярность  Оссевабрандваг ещо больше возросло и следовательно возросла внутреньая нестабильность.  Потому хотя побитая 1-я дивизия и была доукомплектованна но ЮАС под предлогом угроз японских десантов и внутрених беспорядков категорически отказался отправльять на фронт дополнительные войска. И вобшем тамошные политики уже в тихую подумивают об сепаратном мире. Собственно лояльность ЮАС по большому счету держится на крайне непопульярном среди буров Смэтсе которий был личным другом Черчилля. Значение Смэтса в Имперском Военном кабинете было настолько большим, что был сформирован план, предложенный ещё в 1940 году, по которому Смэтса могли назначить премьер-министром Соединённого Королевства, если Черчилль умрёт или станет нетрудоспособным во время войны. По сей причине в АИ разведка Французского Государства ещо с начала 1942 года начала разработку плана его убийства.


Войска домашней обороны (в составе есть отличя от РИ ибо в АИ ситуация другая и потери по больше) (Defence Headquarters: Pretoria, Transvaal).


- 3-я южноафриканская бронетанковая дивизия (Major General Hermanus Botha) (на базе недокомплектованной пехотной + 1st Mounted Commando Division  + South African Tank Corps + The Commando National Reserve Volunteers (twenty-two detachments).) (Pretoria)

- Штаб со службами.

-  Natal Mounted Rifles, South African Armoured Corps (Armoured Car)

-- South African Artillery (7 Medium Artillery Regiment SAA,7 ATk Regt)

-- South African Engineers (16th Field Company,17th Field Park Squadron,

- 11th Armoured Brigade (небоеготова) (Pretoria Regiment (Sherman), Prince Alfred's Guard (Stuart), Special Service Battalion (бронемашины) ,  Kimberley Regiment ( мотопехота), 5th Field Regiment, SAA (уцелевший из 2-й дивизии - переворужен), 8th Field Squadron)

- 7 South African Motorised Brigade (A Squadron, 1st Armoured Car Commando SA Tank Corps, 1st Pretoria Highlanders, The First City Regiment, Witwatersrand Rifles Regiment/Regiment de la Rey6th Field Regiment SAA, 88th Field Company, SA Engineers)


1st, 2nd and 3rd Mounted Commandos. ( эх часть 1st Mounted Commando Division ) These Mounted Commandos were later absorbed into the South African Tank Corps.


 Coast Defence Corps. ( fifteen battalions. It further expanded in 1943 to include Armoured Car Commandos).


The Essential Services Protection Corps ( men over 45 )  Corps HQ established at Pretoria on 29 October 1939. Companies were initially established at Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth and East London. This corps guarded all bridges


The National Volunteer Brigade ( It consisted of members of the Police Reseve and Civic Guard and up to 1941 was a Police Reserve, not military, formation). (Only four battalions were left by 1942).


Cape Corps

(Coloured service corps with a Pioneer Battalion and five motor transport companies; later expanded to include Motorized Infantry Battalions, PW Guard Battalions, PW Escort Battalions and Infantry Battalions, with a peak strength of 23,000

1942.10.13 absorbed Indian and Malay Corps (motor transport and pioneer)) Corps units served in East Africa and the Middle East.


Native Military Corps. It had 10 battalions at peak that did guard duty equipped with assegais (spears). 


- Cape Command [HQ The Castle, Cape Town, Cape Province]

-- The Coast Artillery Brigade: HQ, The Castle, Cape Town

--- Cape Garrison Artillery designated as Engineers and Signals: Cape Town

---- 1st Heavy Battery: Cape Town (Wynard Battery): Table Bay

---- 2nd Heavy Battery: Simonstown (Queen's Battery): Simonstown

---- 8th Heavy Battery (CGA) was formed at Saldanha Bay in 1942. 

---- No. 1 Armoured Train: Cape Town

---- 50 Anti-Aircraft Battery at Saldanha Bay, 

---- 51 Anti-Aircraft Battery in Cape Town,

---- 52 Anti-Aircraft Battery in Simon's Town.

-- 2nd Battalion (The Cape Peninsular Rifles) (1st Reserve Brigade) – Raised 29 February 1940 at Cape Town


-- 10 South African Infantry Brigade (Regiment South Westelike Distrike, Regiment de Wet , Regiment Louw Wepner, 12th Field Company, 11th Armoured Car Company - Raised on 1 September 1940 from Regiment Suid-Westelike Distrikte.)


- Eastern Province Command [HQ East LondonCape Province]

-- The Coast Artillery Brigade: 

--- 5th Heavy Battery, South African Permanent Garrison Artillery: East London

--- 6th Heavy Battery, South African Permanent Garrison Artillery: Port Elizabeth

-- 5th Battalion (Eastern Province) (1st Reserve Brigade) – Raised 29 February 1940


-- 9 SA Infantry Brigade  (1st Regiment Botha, 2nd Rand Light Infantry, Regiment Westelike Provinsie, 9th Field Company, SA Engineers, 12th Armoured Car Company - Raised on 1 September 1940 from Regiment Westelike Provinsie.)


- Natal Command [HQ Durban, Natal]

-- The Coast Artillery Brigade: 

--- 3rd Heavy Battery, South African Permanent Garrison Artillery: Durban Beach

--- 4th Heavy Battery, South African Permanent Garrison Artillery: The Bluff, Durban

-- 3rd Battalion (The Natal Scottish) (1st Reserve Brigade) – Raised 29 February 1940 at Durban


- Orange Free State Command [HQ BloemfonteinOrange Free State]

-- Youth Training Brigade.

--- The Pioneer Battalion: Bloemfontein

-- 7th Battalion (Orange Free State and Kimberly) (1st Reserve Brigade) – Raised 1941


- Robert's Heights and Transvaal Command [HQ Robert's HeightsTransvaal]

-- The Artillery SchoolRobert's Heights

-- The Artillery Depot: Robert's Heights

-- No. 2 Armoured Train, South African Permanent Garrison Artillery: Robert's Heights

-- 6th Battalion (Transvaal) (1st Reserve Brigade) – Raised 29 February 1940

-- 8th Battalion (Transvaal) (1st Reserve Brigade) – Raised 1941


- Witwatersrand Command [HQ JohannesburgTransvaal]

-- First Reserve Brigade  [Garrison/HQ Johannesburg]

--- 1st Battalion (Transvaal) (1st Reserve Brigade) – Raised 29 February 1940 at Johannesburg

--- 4th Battalion (The Witwatersrand Rifles) (1st Reserve Brigade) – Raised 29 February 1940

--- 9th Battalion (1st Reserve Brigade) – Raised 1943

--- 10th Battalion (1st Reserve Brigade) – Raised 1943

--- 11th Battalion (1st Reserve Brigade) – Raised 1943

--- 12th Battalion (1st Reserve Brigade) – Raised 1943


-- The Railways and Harbour Brigade ( HQ in Johannesburg.) (two infantry battalions, four armoured trains and an Operating Group in the Engineer Field. It formed No. 1 Railway Engineering Battalion on 10 September 1940 at Germiston, which was known as the Railway Construction and Maintenance Group. This Group consiste of 38th, 39th and 40th Railway Construction Companies and 41st Harbour Construction Company, all of which served in the Middle East).

--- 21st Armoured Car Company - Raised 1940 from the Railways and Harbour Brigade.

--- 22nd Armoured Car Company - Raised 1940 from the Railways and Harbour Brigade.

--- 23rd Armoured Car Company - Raised 1940 from the Railways and Harbour Brigade.

--- 24th Armoured Car Company - Raised 1940 from the Railways and Harbour Brigade.


-- Mines Engineering Brigade (Rand) (The North Rand Battalion had five companies and the South-East Rand Battalion had four companies. By 1942, it formed an Armoured Car Brigade.)


Намибия (SWA больше не была немецкой колонией, но немецкие настроения все еще были сильны, и приход Адольфа Гитлера к власти в Германии также усилил влияние нацистской партии в SWA. К концу 1939 года 150 нацистских лидеров уже были интернированы, а в октябре 1940 года 1200 человек, говорящих по-немецки, оказались в лагерях для интернированных.)

Штаб-квартира SWA (в Виндхуке (Windhoek)):

(Офицер командующий, Два штабных офицера, Два дежурных клерка)

- Active Citizen Force

-- Зенитные и артиллерийские части (Уолфиш-Бей).

-- 1st South West African Infantry Battalion (со штаб-квартирой в Виндхуке и подразделениями в Китмансхупе, Грутфонтейне, Отьиваронго, Оуто, Окаханджа и Калквельде. это подразделение в основном использовалось для сопровождения и охраны военнопленных.)

- National Volunteer Reserve Units

-- 17 добровольческих отрядов

- Essential Services Protection Corps


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Суданский фронт.


8-я армия (Верхний Египет/Судан) (генерал Archibald Wavell)

[потерпела тяжелейшее поражение в Ливии и в Египте. В частности полностю уничтожены и не востановлены 2-я бронетанковая дивизия (в том числе 3rd Armoured Brigade, а штаб дивизии взят в плен),  32nd Army Tank Brigade  (4th Royal Tank Regiment, 7th Royal Tank Regiment), 5th Infantry Brigade (South Africa), 3rd County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters), 52nd (East Lancashire) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery, 6-я австралийская пехотная дивизия, 9-я австралийская пехотная дивизия, 2-я новозеландская пехотная дивизия, 68th (4th West Lancashire) Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery67th (Suffolk) Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery (Тобрук), Все войска на Мальте (в том числе 1(Malta) Infantry Brigade, 2(Malta) Infantry Brigade, 3(Malta) Infantry Brigade, 4 (Malta) Infantry Brigade) – уничтожены. The Cyprus Regiment – уничтожен. Штаб Egypt Command – уничтожен (Lieutenant-General Robert Stone - плен) штаб XXV Indian Corps (на Кипре)- уничтожен, No. 11 (Scottish) Commando – уничтожен французамы в Ливане а остатки добиты на Кипре, No. 7 Commando – уничтожен немцамы на Крите, групперовка командос Layforce (и входяшие в ее сотав No. 8 (Guards) Commando, No. 50 Commando (испанский), No. 51 Commando (из палестинских евреев и арабов), No. 52 Commando (испанский)), как и РИ расфоромерованны из за потерь. 37th (Tyne Electrical Engineers) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery – уничтожен, 2nd Anti-Aircraft Brigade  - уничтожена/ Армия после разгрома апрельямарта 1942 года отступила в верхний Эгипет откуда в течение маяиюлья была выбита италянскими танковими дивизиями. В ходе боев была практически уничтожена прикривавашая отступление и уже сильно потрепаная немцами 2-я южноафриканская пехотная дивизия остатки которой влили в состав 1-й южноафриканской пехотной дивизии. Август – сентябрь = оперативная пауза. Новое италянское наступление «Муссолини» намечено на октябрь 1942 года.]

- Штаб со службами.

Under direct Army Command

-  Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) (maximum 350 all ranks (four troops each Patrols totalling 3 officers and fifty men))


-- A (New Zealand) Squadron

--- R Patrol, consisting of R1 and R2 Patrols

--- T Patrol, consisting of T1 and T2 Patrols

-- B Squadron, formed Dec. 1940 from British volunteers

--- G Patrol, formed 5 Dec. 1940 from Guards regiments volunteers

--- S Patrol, formed 31 Jan. 1941 from Southern Rhodesian volunteers (serving in Buffs, Sherwood Foresters, Durham LI, and Argylls) and later South African volunteers

--- Y Patrol, formed 9 Mar. 1941 from Yeomanry volunteers

---  S2 Patrol Rhodesian unit

-- Heavy Section, redesigation Dec. 1940 of Marmon Herrington Party

-- support units: Light Repair Squadron; Signal Troop; Air Section (two biplanes); Survey Section

-- Popski's Private Army (No. 1 Demolition Squadron, PPA) (23-80 men)


Indian Long Range Squadron (patrols: 'J' (Jat), 'P' (Punjabi), 'M' (Muslim) and 'S' (Sikh) )


Army Troops

- 8th Army Signals

- 6 South African Armoured Car Regiment (One troop)

- South African Engineers (25 Field Company, 27 Field Company, 31 Field Company,)


- Royal Artillery: (51st (Midland) Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery (TA) (5.5-inch gun.) (свежак из Англии), 27th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RA


British XXX Corps[Lieutenant General Oliver Leese]

- Штаб со службами.

- XXX Corps SignalsRoyal Corps of Signals

- 11th Hussars (armoured cars)

- XXX Corps Defence Squadron

- C Regiment, 4/6 South African Armoured Car Squadron

- Royal Artillery: 7 Medium Regiment , 64th (London) Medium Regiment,   69th (Caernarvon & Denbigh Yeomanry) Medium Regiment, ,  52nd (Bedfordshire Yeomanry) Heavy Regiment,

- South African Engineers (11 Field Company, 13 Field Company, 22 Field Park Company, 66 Mortar Coy RE)


- 1-я Южноафриканская дивизия. (Major General Daniel Hermanus ("Dan") Pienaar)
(Востановлена путем слияние разбитой в Трансйордании 1-й Южноафриканской дивизии остатки которой были перевезены морем из Адена и остатков 2-й Южноафриканской дивизии  (6th South African Infantry Brigade, 4th South African Infantry Brigade) которая понесла значительные потери в ходе Египетской компании, потеряв большую  часть артиллерии и много личного состава и была окончательно добита италянцами в верхнем Египте. Артилерия в основном британских систем собранных из индийских частей. Доведена до полной численности за счет резервных частей армии ЮАС. Хочет домой)
Штаб со службами.

-- 1 SA Division Signals

-- 3rd South African Armoured Car Reconnaissance Regiment, SA Tank Corps

-- Regiment President Steyn (Machine gun battalion), SA Infantry Corps

-- 2nd Regt. Botha (Machine gun battalion), SA Infantry Corps

-- South African Artillery (1st Field Regiment Cape Field Artillery (1st, 3rd and 14th Field Batteries), 4th Field Regiment (11th and 15th Field Batteries), 7th Field Regiment (7th, 19th and 20th Field Batteries), 1st Anti-tank Regiment (1st, 2nd,3rd and 4th Anti-Tank Batteries), 1st Light Anti-aircraft Regiment (1st Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, 3rd Light Anti-Aircraft Battery))

-- South African Engineers (1st Field Company, 2nd Field Company, 3 Field Company, 5 Field Company, 19 Field Park Company SAE)

-- 1st South African Infantry Brigade (Duke of Edinburgh's Own Rifles, Royal Natal Carabineers,  Transvaal Scottish)

-- 2nd South African Infantry Brigade  (Cape Town Highlanders,  1st Field Force Battalion SA Infantry Corps, 2nd Field Force Battalion SA Infantry Corps, B Company (Machine Gun), Die Middelandse Regiment SA Infantry Corps)

-- 3rd South African Infantry Brigade  (Imperial Light Horse , Rand Light Infantry, Royal Durban Light Infantry)


- 4-я Индийская пехотная дивизия (Major General Francis Tuker)
(Понесла значительные потери в ходе Египетской компании, 11th Indian Infantry Brigade взята в плен в Тобруке, часть артиллерии была потеряна 25 Field Regiment RA взят в плен в Тобруке, 32 Field Regiment RA уничтожен в Египте (уцелели 3 полевые батареи), по возможности востановлена до октября, время было, но боевой дух сильно подорван, пополнение плохо обучено а новая артилерия устаревших американских систем)
-- Штаб со службами.

-- 4 Indian Division Signals

--  бронекавалерийский полк разведки  Central India Horse

--  5th Bn 6th Rajputana Rifles (Machine Gun Battalion)

--  Royal Artillery (1 Field Regiment, 11 Field Regiment (получил старие американские 75-мм пушки вместо потеряных), 149th Anti-Tank Regiment, 57th (King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry) Light A.A. Regiment)

-- Indian Engineers ( 4 Field Company, Bengal Sappers and Miners, 12 Field Company, Madras Sappers and Miners, 18th and 21st Field Company Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners, 11 Field Park Company, Madras Sappers and Miners)

-- 5th Indian Infantry Brigade [1/4 Bn The Essex Regiment, 4 Bn (Outram's) 6th Rajputana Rifles, 3 Bn Queen Mary's Own 10th Baluch Regiment]

-- 7th Indian Infantry Brigade [1 Bn The Royal Sussex Regiment, 4 Bn 16th Punjab Regiment, 1 Bn 2nd King Edward's Own Goorkha Rifles]


Corps Reserve


- 5-я Индийская пехотная дивизия (Major-General H.R. Briggs )
(Понесла катастрофические потери в ходе Египетской компании, 29th Indian Infantry Brigade уничтожена, 10th Indian Infantry Brigade тоже уничтожена (но востановлена в Ираке), 161st Indian Infantry Brigade  - уничтожена , 2nd and 74 Field Companies King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Minersуничтожены, 28th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery – уничтожен, практически вся артиллерия потеряна (уцелели 2 полевые батареи), из за малого приоритета Суданского ТВД небыла толком  востановлена до октября, боевой дух очень сильно подорван, в качестве пополнения получила греков и чехов)
-- Штаб со службами.

-- 5th Indian Division Signals

-- The Guides Cavalry (10th Queen Victoria's Own Frontier Force) (Divisional Reconnaissance Regiment)

-- Machine Gun Battalion 17th Dogra Regiment

-- Royal Artillery (4th Field Regiment)

-- Indian Engineers: 20 Field Company Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners, 44 Field Park Company Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

-- 9th Indian Infantry Brigade [2 BN The West Yorkshire Regiment, 3 BN 9th Jat Regiment, 3 BN 14th Punjab Regiment]
-- 1st Greek Infantry Brigade [ Colonel Pausanias Katsotas]

(1st Infantry Battalion, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 1st Greek Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Greek Machine Gun Company, 1 Greek Field Company Greek Engineers) Бригада создана в июне 1941 года и во время разгрома англичан в Египте сумела с потерями отступить в Судан. Там её опять довели до числености за счет избежавших плена остатков 2nd Greek Brigade которая в незавершенном состояние по большей части попала в плен в Суэце.

-- Священный отряд (полковник Х. Цигантес) (создан в сентябре 1942 года батальон греческого спецназа САС из офицеров – около 200 человек на джипах)

-- Czechoslovak 11th Infantry Battalion (из состава уничтоженой в Египте 38th Indian Infantry Brigade)


Army Reserve


- 1st Free French's Light Division (General Edgard de Larminat)
(«Свободные французы» понесли большие потери 3e Brigade Française Libre Indépendante (Bataillon de marche no 6 (Congo), Bataillon de marche no 7 (Oubangui-Chari), Groupe d'Escadrons Tcherkesses du Colonel Collet) уничтожена немцами в Палестине а 1st Free French Brigade  была разбита французами в Египте (сотни убитих (включая командиров
13e Demi-Brigade de Légion Étrangère - полковника Дмитрия Амилаквари и 2e Demi-brigade coloniale -  подполковника Роберта де Ру), много раненых и 814 пленных, потеряна вся артилерия, полностю уничтожены 3e Bataillon de la 13th Legion Etrangere, 22e Compagnie Nord Africaine, 23e Compagnie Nord-Africaine, ряд других мелких частей). Для восстановления сыл «Свободной Франции» собраны уцелевшие части из Египта и Палестини, Аравии, Ирака с пополнениями из подконтрольных де Голью територий – Индии, Вестиндии, Мадагаскара, Джибутти, островов Тихого и Индийского Океанов, а также дружеских Канады и США в основном туземцы и наемники. Также амерканцы передали им 75-мм пушки из своих арсеналов. Дивизией это англичане назвали чисто в пропогандных целях но тем не мене это одна из их наиболе боеспособных частей на ТВД.)

-- Штаб со службами.

-- Compagnie de QG 50

-- 1e Bataillon des transmissions divisionnaires.

-- 1e Bataillon du Génie (25 janvier 1943)

-- Free French Flying Column

--- 1er Régiment de Marche de Spahis Marocains (Armoured Car Regiment –по реальной численностиусиленная рота)

---- Armoured Car Squadron (2 Humber Mk.II armored cars, 4 Marmon-Herrington Mk.IIIA armored cars (including one fitted with a 25mm AT gun),)

---- Portee troop (стрелки на воруженых автомобилях) (2 ex-Syrian Dodge 'Tanake' armored cars (used as command vehicles for the 'Autocanons'), 7 portee 25mm AT guns (mounted on a Fordson 15cwt light truck), 1 50mm PAK38 portee on Chevrolet CMP truck, 6 trucks with 'Fusil 13.2mm AC' (Hotchkiss 13.2mm HMG carried in the 15cwt infantry squad truck)), 4 'Autocanon' (75mm M1897 'Conus guns' portees on CMP trucks) base http://www.francaislibres.net/pages/telechar/modules/499mod.jpg,

--- 1e Compagnie de Chars (14 Crusader tanks (including 3 with 6-pdr guns), 4 Daimler Dingo), Anti-aircraft troop- 1 Bn Foreign Legion 3 25mm mle 1938 guns and light trucks) : Capitaine Divry

-- 1re Brigade Française Libre Indépendante [Brigadier Marie Pierre Koenig]

(Compagnie de QG 51, 1er Bataillon de la 13th Legion Etrangere (800 men in four Companies), 2e Bataillon de la 13th Legion Etrangre (500+ men in 2,3 or 4? companies. one Company is titled "5th"), Bataillon d'Infanterie de Marine et du Pacifique (BIMP) (Colonial Infantry+ mens recruited from French colonies in the South Seasобразован сведением вместе остатков разбитих в ЕгиптеBataillon du Pacifique»  и «1e Bataillon d'Infanterie de Marine»), 1er Bataillon de Fusiliers-Marins (Capitaine de corvette Hubert Amyot d'Inville) (зенитный 12 × Bofors 40 mm gun anti-aircraft guns), 1er Régiment d’Artillerie des Forces Françaises Libres (3 Batteries each of 6x75mmL/36)., 1e Compagnie Anti-Chars (15x75mmL/36), 1e Compagnie de Sapeurs-Mineurs, 1e Compagnie Transmissions)

-- 2e Brigade Française Libre Indépendante (Brigade Coloniale) (Lt-Colonel Alessandri) (почти непонесла потерь при отступление из Египта - туземцы Чада, Камерун-Конго итд)

(Compagnie de QG 52, Bataillon de Marche n° 4 (Cameroun) (800 men in 4 Companies), Bataillon de Marche n° 5 (Cameroun) (800 men in 4 Companies), Bataillon de Marche n°11 (800 men in 4 Companies), 1er Groupe d'Artillerie Coloniale (3 Batteries each of 4x75mm), 2e Compagnie Anti-Chars (15x75mmL/36) (эх 21e Compagnie Nord-Africaine), 2e Compagnie de Sapeurs-Mineurs, 2e Compagnie Transmissions)


-  1st Army Tank Brigade [Brigadier Price] (Matilda tanks/ 42nd Royal Tank Regiment, 44th Royal Tank Regiment). (бригада понесла тяжелейшие потери в Египте и фактически не востановлена в 42-м полку – 11 «Матильд», а в 44-м полку - 9 «Матильд» но во время оперативной паузы все отремонтированы)


British XIV Corps (fictional)

- 40-я пехотная дивизия (фиктивная).

-- H.Q. of the 43rd Infantry Brigade (30th Battalion, Somerset Light Infantry ("119th Infantry brigade"), 30th Battalion, Royal Norfolk Regiment ("120th Infantry Brigade") [переброшен ранше] 30th Battalion, Dorset Regiment ("121st Infantry Brigade"))


- 57-я пехотная дивизия (фиктивная).

-- HQ 42nd Infantry Brigade  (30th BattalionRoyal Northumberland Fusiliers ( '170th Brigade') [переброшен ранше], 31st Battalion, Suffolk Regiment ('171st Brigade)' [переброшен ранше], 30th Battalion, Green Howards ('172nd Brigade') [переброшен ранше], 30th Battalion, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment ('172nd Brigade') [переброшен ранше], 30th Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry   [переброшен ранше]),


- 74th Armoured Brigade (Dummy Tanks)  (39th Royal Tank Regiment (DT), 101st Royal Tank Regiment (DT), 102nd Royal Tank Regiment (DT))

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Готовитса к отправке из Англии для отвоевание Египта.


- 43-я вессекская пехотная дивизия. (Major-General Ivor Thomas) (свежак из Англии)

-- Штаб со службами.

-- 43rd (Wessex) Divisional SignalsRoyal Corps of Signals

-- 43rd (Wessex) Reconnaissance Regiment (The Gloucestershire Regiment)Royal Armoured Corps

-- 8th Battalion, Middlesex Regiment (Vickers machine guns and 4.2" Mortars) MG

-- Royal Artillery (94th (Queen's Own Dorset Yeomanry) Field Regiment, 112th (Wessex) Field Regiment,  179th Field Regiment, 59th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Anti-Tank Regiment,  110th (Dorset) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment)

-- Royal Engineers (204th (Wessex) Field Company, 260th Field Company, 553rd Field Company,  207th (Wessex) Field Park Company)

-- 129th Infantry Brigade [4th Battalion Somerset Light Infantry, 4th Battalion Wiltshire Regiment, 5th Battalion Wiltshire Regiment]

-- 130th Infantry Brigade [7th Battalion Hampshire Regiment, 4th Battalion Dorsetshire Regiment, 5th Battalion Dorsetshire Regiment]

-- 34th Tank Brigade ( Churchill tanks) [147th Regiment Royal Armoured Corps, 153rd Regiment Royal Armoured Corps, 151st Regiment Royal Armoured Corps]


- 53-я вельская пехотная дивизия. (Major-General Robert K. Ross) (свежак из Англии)

-- Штаб со службами.

-- 53rd (Welsh) Divisional Signals Regiment, Royal Corps of Signals

-- 53rd Regiment, Reconnaissance Corps

-- 1st Battalion, Manchester Regiment (Machine-Gun Battalion – РИ переведен в состав дивизии в октябре 1943 года в АИ можно и ранше)

-- Royal Artillery (81st (Welsh) Field Regiment, 83rd (Welsh) Field Regiment, 133rd (Welsh) Field Regiment, 71st (Royal Welch Fusiliers) Anti-Tank Regiment, 116th (Royal Welch Fusiliers) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment)

-- Royal Engineers (244th (Welsh) Field Company, 282nd Field Company, 555th Field Company, 285th Field Park Company)

-- 158th Infantry Brigade (4th Battalion, Royal Welch Fusiliers, 6th Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers, 7th Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers)

-- 160th Infantry Brigade (2nd Battalion Monmouthshire Regiment, 4th Battalion Welch Regiment, 1/5th Battalion Welch Regiment)

-- 31st Tank Brigade (Churchill tanks) (9th Royal Tank Regiment, 10th Royal Tank Regiment, 141st Regiment Royal Armoured Corps)

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Французское Сомали (Джибути).

 4 e Brigade Française Libre Indépendante (colonel Raynal) (в АИ собранно из пленных французских колониальных войск, местных добровольцев и добровольцев из французской Индии – боеспособность ниже плинтуса с надежностю тоже плохо)

(Bataillon de Marche n°21 (constituted in Djibouti в АИ из пленных), Bataillon de Marche n°22 (same origin of BM 21 в АИ из пленных), Bataillon de Marche n°24 (same origin of BM 21 в АИ из пленных), Le bataillon de marche Somali (1er janvier 1943) (neuf officiers, 20 sous-officiers européens, huit hommes de troupe européens, neuf hommes de troupe sénégalais, 24 sous-officiers, 44 caporaux et 293 tirailleurs Somalis), 4e Compagnie Anti-Chars)





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